My current system is a linn majik-1 amp (one of the older ones), a naim cd3 and a pair of royd sapphires on some nondescript stands.
The royds are the oldest bit, and I was wondering whether it would be worth upgrading to some royd minstrels (or even abbots) or Linn Index (or other Linns) which occasionally crop up for under £200 on ebay.
It sounds delightful but could have a touch more body without aggravating the neighbours. Any suggestions welcomed
My current system is a linn majik-1 amp (one of the older ones), a naim cd3 and a pair of royd sapphires on some nondescript stands.
The royds are the oldest bit, and I was wondering whether it would be worth upgrading to some royd minstrels (or even abbots) or Linn Index (or other Linns) which occasionally crop up for under £200 on ebay.
It sounds delightful but could have a touch more body without aggravating the neighbours. Any suggestions welcomed