Upgrade advice would be appreciated.


New member
Feb 13, 2014
I've got the following equipment:

Dual 505 turntable

Acoustic Solutions SP101 amplifier and SP111 tuner

Sennheiser HD201 headphones

Panasonic S42 used to play cds

Kef Coda speakers (completely refurbished about 3 years ago and used with very high quality cable)

Music - Mainly classical orchestral, John Denver, Carpenters on vinyl but increasingly on CD as some of the records are now 40 years old! Only listen to Classic FM on tuner as can't get DAB to work despite upgrading aerial.

Advice would be much appreciated as to what to upgrade. I really like the sound from the speakers and ideally would like to keep them. The weak links I feel are the amplifier and tuner primarily. I seem to get unlying hiss and there's often distortion in the sound which can be quite noticeable. I've a budget of about £3,000 maximum.

Kind regards Michael


New member
Aug 21, 2009
Hi Michael, and welcome to the forum.

I will throw some thoughts and suggestions together for you to pick the bones out of.

- First of all I agree with upgrading the Amp.

- As for the source, I get the feeling that the Dual will meet your needs for Vinyl as you are getting more and more into CDs.

- I think you can do a lot better than your S42 for CD playback. IMO. you have 2 sensible options:

1. Go for a NAS + Streamer (my preferred option - which will give you streamed radio)

2. Get a decent DAC to plug your S42 into.

- You should hear some modern speakers on the end of your chosen amp and that will confirm whether keeping your Codas is a good idea.

Now for some suggestions:


- Linn Sneaky DS

- Naim Unitiqute

- Rega DAC

- Arcam IRDAC

- Musical Fidelity M1 DAC


- The Linn Sneaky and (I believe) the Naim Uniqute can be used as a source only, even though they have built in amps. It is worth seeing if these amps meet your needs, but if not:

- Sugden Mystro/A21

- Musical Fidelity M3si

- Electrocompaniet PI-1/PI-2/ECI-3

- Ayre AX-7e (ex-dem)

Creek Destiny 2

Pathos Classic One Mk111

Unison Research Unico Secondo


You haven't stated whether your speakers are Floorstanders or Standmounts, so I will list brands:

- Sonus faber

- Spendor

- Kef R Series/LS50

- Vienna Acoustics

- Harbeth

- Opera

- Proac

My hunch is that you will get the most benefit from an upgrade of Source (£400-£1000) and Amp (£1100-£2000).

Once you have a short list, go and listen to various options, as that is the only way to decide how your money is best spent.

Good luck with your search and let us know how it goes.


New member
Aug 21, 2009
- Sonus Faber Venere 1.5

- Spendor SA1; D1, SP3 1R2; S3 1R2

- Kef LS50; R300

- Vienna Acoustics Haydn Grand

- Harbeth P3E SR

- Opera Mezza

- Proac Response D1; D2


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