. . . untangling colouration . . . ?


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May 25, 2011
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I thought I had reached a level of perfection with my P5 that would be hard to improve on at this level . . . there are lots of after market ad ons as Chebby has pointed out. Me being a sceptic . . . basics I will accept, but the quirky where and still are beyond the pail, IMHO. So, TT/PSU, shims, acrylic platter with mat and pips . . . granite slabs and broken bell boards with a loose felt isolation sheet, have all played there part in producing a dynamic, intricate musical sound from 'old fashioned vinyl' that defies explanation? Suffice to say, 'the sum of the parts, is greater than the whole'. Thats what I thought yesterday . . . off work, feeling less that steady on the old pins, loads of needle time. Decided to have the rest of the week off. Feeling much better this morning, the grey cell starts to turn, more music? Yes, but I have one more tweak that I have not been confident about . . . my scepticism did not see it was a runner? However, as a very cheap item and simple to fit, plenty of time to evaluate and I dont have to admit to having fitted it . . . it was worth a try. . . . sharper edges to base notes, longer decay to notes in general, improved image focus. The longer note decay runs along with more insight into the detail in the mid-range, subtle but its there. All the above are subtle perceptions to the musicality and presentation of the performance, apart from the image focus, which was solidly obvious! So, there is more to ad to the sum of the parts . . . the cost, £8.95 for a resonance controler ring around the arm counter weight . . . One wonders how much more? I'm already digging deep in the grove, the trick is not to colour the information getting it from vinyl to the air around my speakers? One feels as though one is untangling the colouration, vibrations and harmonics introduced at design level? All part of the fun? Maybe . . . I certainly get satisfaction from the upward climb, especially when its cheap! However, the real pleasure these days is derived from the musical performance and the goosebumps I get, its like a high without the unpleasant consequences. I have not touched a CD all this week! CJSF


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chebby said:
After enjoying Rega turntables between 1983 and 2009, I have been amazed - from your various posts - at just how little they know about making a good turntable :)

A bit like those people who dont like TT 'A' over TT 'B', we have personal choice, preference and perhaps all my likes have been incorporated in the Rega P9, so I'm missing out by at least a couple of 'Mks' . . . ? As I have said before chebby, 'the sum of the parts is greater than the whole'.

I would suggest you ask those that are making the after products for Rega if they know what they are doing . . . 'I still trust my ears'. I dont, and never will 'toe the party line' . . . I am my own person, an individual with a 'lot of time to make up' and with many years of experience to refine and regroup.

My suggestion is, Rega make a fine product as it stands, good enough, thats its quality can be refined to the last .0001% if the individual so desires. I doubt even Rega would claim Roll Royce standards at this level . . . rollers cost a lot of dosh.

I heard a rummer the other day, the 'RR' Rega may be in development as we speak? but, if you have to ask 'how much'? . . . you cant afford it.



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chebby said:
After enjoying Rega turntables between 1983 and 2009, I have been amazed - from your various posts - at just how little they know about making a good turntable :)

I think you have missed the point Chebby, my changes have generally been addressed by Rega; power supply, platter, shims, counter weight . . . Rega options as retro fit or a model upgrade . . . Yes, you are right Chebby, Rega do know how to make a good TT . . . 8)



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chebby said:
After enjoying Rega turntables between 1983 and 2009, I have been amazed - from your various posts - at just how little they know about making a good turntable :)

. . . ? so 1980's, Linn, Rega 'v' the others . . . The above statement put me back a few years (for a few minutes!) into my days of deep depression, I used to take side swipes so personally . . . not any more, things have moved on, I have moved on. My findings prove just how good the basics of a Rega turn table are. Like the old days, buy a Ford Escort, modify it up to be a superb hot performer, of buy an Escort Mexico, Fords modified version, both superb piece of kit, but still an Escort . . . Buy a Rega P9 (Mexico) . . . buy a Rega P5 modify it, both superb performers, both based on quality, proved over many years at a budget.

I have had time to reflect, my Rega is performing so well . . . 'according to my ears' and the fast returning memory of yesteryear. The fact that it can demonstrate so well, the performances contained on my quality pressings gives me goose bumps. What is also amazing is the way the rest of the system steps up to the plate as the performance level rises, these components cannot be tweaked or improved. The PMC LB1 speakers, at lest 25 years old, and still singing to the tune, the Croft integrated valve/fet amplifier, entry level valves . . . it certainly does not sound it. They simply go with the flow of information the modified (better adjusted) turntable presents. As stated earlier, 'the sum of their parts is greater than the whole' . . . a very satisfying achievement for me personally, I dont have to impress anyone else. Cant do this with a 'CDp', plug and play, you get what you get! . . . and no fancy speaker cable either, K20 @ £4.90 a meter . . .

I used to kick over the traces in the 80's . . . looking round these days, 'the others' are still in there, they have not been shouted down, we use our ears. 'Kick over the traces', no need, the evidence is all around.



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...and don't forget the 80s rule book, which says the source (TT) is by far the most important part to get right, followed by amp and lastly speakers. A quote from a 1987 hifi mag, "if that means that only £99 each may be left for amp and speakers, out of a total of £800, then so be it"...how opinions have changed!

There was also the view that the TT is more important than the arm, which itself is more important than the cartridge....imo this still holds true.


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CnoEvil said:
...and don't forget the 80s rule book, which says the source (TT) is by far the most important part to get right, followed by amp and lastly speakers. A quote from a 1987 hifi mag, "if that means that only £99 each may be left for amp and speakers, out of a total of £800, then so be it"...how opinions have changed! There was also the view that the TT is more important than the arm, which itself is more important than the cartridge....imo this still holds true.

Spot on ConEvil, the old values still stand . . . down to the TT over the arm/cartridge, which I had forgotten. It was not until I put the acrylic platter to work on Tuesday, then everything else about the sound fell into place, I'd been going around in circles up to that point, nearly but not quite? The 'individual parts' are all small, subtle changes, but together they make a satisfying '+ the whole'.

I have an Ortofon 2M Blue, it never fully settled until the acrylic, which needs the isolation pips. With a friend on Tuesday, he had the Red 2M fitted, the one below the Blue and only £80 . . . with 20mm acrylic, 250 arm and power supply, it sounded like a million dollars.

CDp, 'is what it is', so there is no option but to throw money at speakers/amp/cable etc., round and round and . . . !!! Sitting listening to the Rega Apollo at this moment, Marry Chapin Carpenter, pretty dam good, but lacks that bit of ????? found on an LP . . . however, I dont have to jumping up to turn it over . . . there is a silver lining. 8)



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I get the occasional urge to buy another turntable. I still have almost 100 LPs (the best in condition - and content - of an older, larger collection) and I can't be bothered to sell them.

I could be still be tempted by a Rega P3-24 (from their old high gloss 'Colours' range with TT-PSU as standard) in bright Canary yellow with a blue mat :)


No way would I want to sit there and look at some dull as dishwater 'cool grey', 'white' or 'titanium' turntable (Rega's present RP1 and RP3 finishes) with a boring black mat. I would want something that affronts the eye! (Ok. I might settle for the bright blue deck with yellow mat.)

It would have to go on the wall (Pro-Ject 'Wallmount it' 2 for the fine levelling that Rega's own wallmount can't provide.)

If Rega do end up making high gloss 'Colours' versions of the RP3 then that may end up being my choice and after 30 years of fitting and aligning cartridges myself, I would leave that to Rega and opt for the factory fitted Elys 2.

We shall see. The new Fono-Mini A2D (with USB) looks like an interesting product. I know the 'vanilla' Fono-Mini was a great little phono pre-amp as I used one into my old Naim Nait 5i-2. USB will allow me to rip LPs too :)

My youngest daughter wants one of these. Who knows? I might give it a go too. Audio-Technica know a couple of things about turntables/cartridges (it even got a 4 star WHF? review). By most accounts it is very well engineered, and - with a decent AT cartridge - may be all I need for my 100 LPs.


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chebby said:

Chebby . . . you know it makes sense . . . 8) My P5 (+:D ) is boring black, but with that lovely real cherry wood edge, a silver 700 tone arm . . . however, I agree with you a Rega coloured mat might be a nice idea???

I've had a most pleasant afternoon, listening to some of my old collection that I put together in the 70's and 80's. There is a small pile here; Sandy Nelson, Carol Kidd, Earl Klugh, The Durutti Column, Pat Metheny and Gerry Raffaty, wonderful listening quality and loads of nostalgia. Like you Chebby, only 200 left from a large collection, the good thing, a lot are audiophile copies or plain good copies.

. . . what subtle improvements will each colour make??? . . . CJSF :D


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chebby said:
I get the occasional urge to buy another turntable. I still have almost 100 LPs (the best in condition - and content - of an older, larger collection) and I can't be bothered to sell them.

I could be still be tempted by a Rega P3-24 (from their old high gloss 'Colours' range with TT-PSU as standard) in bright Canary yellow with a blue mat :)


Chebby, I suspect that you have been able to suppress the TT urge, provided you could mostly put them out of your mind....then along comes the OP and his Rega saga. Having "lived" through every tweak and turn, now an itch has started that may need scratching in the near future.....
...resistance is futile. :)


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. . . the next move in the Rega TT story . . . now satisfied the turn table is doing as it should, clean, open, no miss tracking, I'm hearing what I want to hear, goose bump territory. Full evaluation of the system as a whole seemed a good idea? . . . I thought that when I found, in my collection a 12", 45rpm copy of Frankie Goes to Hollywood and 'Two Tribes', a virgin copy!!!!

. . . "this is the last voice you will ever hear, do not be afraid" . . . volume to clipping (valve version of) and then back off a touch . . . wow! what the neighbors must have thought? Then the Treorchy Male Choir, their rendering of 'Kalinka' was stunning. Finally, the Midnight Follies Orchestra, 'He's the Viper' was the best!

All the above had their point, Frankie, proved the system could cut the volume thing with out hearing any problems with the book shelf/draws mounting. Treorchy choir gave the image a test with mass voices and Midnight Follies, allowed a final tweak of the speaker position to ad fine pinpoint focus = half-an-inch extra toe in (approx., 3 degrees, according to Rega's calculations?) gave the final snap focus to the positioning of instruments.

A final point, the Midnight Follies LP is a 1980 recording by 'ASV', Academy Sound and Vision, a recording using Sony Digital Equipment of the time . . . and yet it has a totally analogue feel to the sound . . . why??? Are we into the 'uncompressed factors'?



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