TX37-LXD85 OR TH-37PX80B?


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Aug 10, 2019
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Can anyone help?

Can't decide between these two tv's. I have recently bought the Tx-32lxd85 for the bedroom and i'm reasonably impressed for the price of the tv. I am satisfied with the lcd apart from a few little things occasionaly you can see slight motion blur(mind you that is watching Moto gp and most of those guys are doing nearly 200mph,so i'm not suprised i get a bit of m/blur) and pixelation (worse on some channels / broadcasts) also brightness levels can be hard to get right. After reading many reviews and scouring internet for hours it looks like the Plasma dosen't suffer from these problems at least no where near as badly as lcd. My main concern with plasma is an obvious one "image retention",some people say it is pretty much non existant these days and others have said the opposite. Most of the tv we watch is on sky (sd) sometimes tv can be on the same channel for some time (few hours) ie: watching motorsport,this is where i am most concerned about image retention don't really want to end up with a permanent sky logo in the corner of screen. sorry to have gone on a bit,but like i say have spent hours scouring internet and have not really come up with a conclusive answer.

Any help would be much appreciated


I have the PX80 and image retention is not a problem. I watch lots of sports, with their logos and ticker tapes, also BBC 24 news, and I have never seeen any image retention. Some other makes are susceptible, but the Panny is near bullet proof. My only problem is that I should have bought the 42" version. Size does grow on you.


Know what you mean about the size,the 32" was originally for the front room now been demoted to the bedroom. Thanx for info confirms pretty much what i have been thinking. Just so many reviews and opinions about, makes your head spin!


Some Freeview channels (like Dave) will always be worse than others (like BBC1) as they're heavily compressed, so if you do get to compare SD channels on the two sets compare the same channel.

I've got the 42PZ80 and it's fine aprt from the occassional football match where the pitch isn't clearly displayed, (more of a green jelly!) although I suspect that this is down the recording equipment being used as it's a minority case.

Definitley go for as big as you can. Sharon's Law states that whatever you've got now, it won't be big enough in two weeks ... !


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