tv going through 2 channel amp - lip sinc issues


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi All,

I have my sky + going through the samsung tv, which then goes through my creek evo amp, then through my speakers. It is connected upto the aux input.

I had no problems doing this on my old TV (apart from sky + was not into it), but now the lip sinc is out of alignement. I think the sound is coming out ahead of the lips moving.

Does anybody know why this is, or how to stop it?
Samsungs are notorious for 'lag'. Not a great deal you can do about it if your amp doesnt have a delay function (Wich it wont have, only av amps have them). Selecting GAME mode (Assuming it has one) might help matters, but at the expense of some functions (And possibly picture quality)
This is something I warned about the other day. More often than not there will be sync issues between various equipment. This is a downside of not using a dedicated AV amplifier. People who aren't susceptible to lip sync errors wil probably be fine.
I realised that it might be a problem, but was hoping that as it was fine with my other Panasonic TV, then it might be OK,

Damn, it looks like your watching a chineese movie where the lip sinc and english is out of kilter...

Oh well, will just have to get a new TV, as I am sure this is a much better option in the long run, and one that my GF would buy into ;-)
Could it be the channels that you are watching? I often notice this when watching the Frasier and Scrubs re-runs on comedy central. It does not seem to be a problem on any other channel though.
Hi All,

I have my sky + going through the samsung tv, which then goes through my creek evo amp, then through my speakers. It is connected upto the aux input.

I had no problems doing this on my old TV (apart from sky + was not into it), but now the lip sinc is out of alignement. I think the sound is coming out ahead of the lips moving.

Does anybody know why this is, or how to stop it?

How do have your Sky+ connected up to tv and amp? what connections are you using?
Why don't you connect the amp straight to the sky box or your main source to avoid these problems, I have had this problme with a samsung before they are even worse with optical!

Hope this helps,

I have the sky + connected to the tv via scart, then the tv connected to the creek amp via a chrod crimson from the back of the TV, to the aux of the amp.

It might be the channels, but as my GF watches the american crud, I watch normal bbc 1 and 2 etc.

It's the same with all of the chanels, unless you watch the chineese chanels lol
I have to disagree

Unless the tvs delaying the sound signal somehow (Which ive personally never heard of), then lip sync issue will still be exactly the same

That said, the sound quality should certainly be better coming direct from the sky+ box
can you not delay the sound in the sky+ box? my sky+HD box has a lip sync function
By the way I have experienced this watching video using DVI-HDMI from my MBP to Philips 32PFL7404, just switched back to using VGA (with a converter from DVI), problem solved!

Unless the tvs delaying the sound signal somehow (Which ive personally never heard of), then lip sync issue will still be exactly the same

My LG gives me that option (not entirely sure why) - so maybe that's the issue?


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