Trying to get the Grado sound in Loudspeakers!


New member
Sep 9, 2007
Unfortunatly Grado do not make Loudspeakers and i would love to replicate my SR60's with bookshelf or Floorstanding speakers. What speakers should i be looking at in the £800-£1000 range? warm harmonic color, rich full bodied vocals, excellent dynamics and an ultra smooth top end?

Regards Danny
System synergy would be better than picking a speaker that replicates the sound of the grado's because they might not replicate in reality with your set up. What's your system? My amp loves to drive dynaudio so i auditioned dyn's and totam"s and plumped for the later and i'm very happy with it.
Nice set up. I guess the Komponent speaker range from Linn would be the first port of call, after those auditioning speakers of choice would be the next step. Speaker cable can make a huge difference and spending what you can in that area will give you the best results. Good luck.
I also have Grado headphones, not the most expensive but i think i get the idea.

Dynaudio comes close as mentioned, maybe Spendor to, try them with valve sound like gear without going for valves if you don't wish. Try Sugden, Arcam, Nad, Rega, maybe Exposure?

I like the sound of Dynaudio and Spendor, and my Hyperion 938 off coursse!
B&W 685 speakers with Marantz Pm6003/8003 Amp+CDP and better sounding then the Grado's Sr60 unamped.

*Doesn't have the ear piercing brightness as the Sr60's

*Bass is much deeper

*Retains the dynamic/musical sounding characteristics of the Grado's

*Very transparent sounding

* Instruments/vocals/beats etc had better seperation whereas the Grado's sounded abit muddled.

My experiance at Superfi for my first hifi audition.


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