Thumbs.db files


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Feb 8, 2008
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Thumbs.db files are the metadata files for stored music files, as I understand it.

The question is, where are the files meant to be? In the individual album folders, or in the artist folders? Does it even matter?

I have my music stored in artist folders and then album folders within the artist folders.

Many thanks.


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Oct 16, 2008
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I think thumbs.db files are the thumbnail images displayed when you view a folder in thumbnail view. I wasn't aware they ad anything to do metadata, I've got plenty of music folders that don't contain a thumbs.db file, because I never use thumbnail view.


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Feb 8, 2008
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That could be the case and would certainly make sense in regards to their location.

Where then, are the music file tages? Embedded in the track data?

It would certainly make life easier if I knew what was going on in the background. I've also encountered m3u files in some ripped albums and that may be down to using a different ripper.


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Oct 16, 2008
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Overdose said:
That could be the case and would certainly make sense in regards to their location.

Where then, are the music file tages? Embedded in the track data?

Not in the audio section of the file, there'll be a separate area in the file for tagging data (it's only going to be bytes in size so is easy to accommodate)

It would certainly make life easier if I knew what was going on in the background. I've also encountered m3u files in some ripped albums and that may be down to using a different ripper.

I *think* those are playlist files, although again I don't tend to use playlists so I couldn't say for certain. Yeah, here you go:

M3U is a computer file format that stores multimedia playlists. It was originally implemented in Winamp, although it is now supported by many applications.

An M3U file is a plain text file that specifies the locations of one or more media files that the media player should play. Each line carries one specification. The specification can be one of:
an absolute local pathname e.g., C:My MusicHeavysets.mp3a local pathname relative to the M3U file location e.g. Heavysets.mp3a URL.[/list]


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
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Yep, you're right. They are and I think that I can therefore delte them safely. Thanks again.

This tagging business is not so straightforward as it seems.
Mind you, I'm slowly working through my collection and it's now coming together. Just need to work out how to bulk edit and I'm sorted.

Note to self (and anyone esle about to archive their music collection) work out how you want to search for your files first! It will save a lot of pain later on.