BenLaw said:
Clodagh's seen it and thought it was great. I'll get it soon on lovefilm. It's a slightly sad state, but one I probably share, that we are suspicious of or view negatively the film the Academy thinks is the best of the year!
Having seen 12 Years, I'm annoyed by some (if not all) of the critical commentary.
Some reviewers describe the film as brutal (it isn't) and about race (this is at best ostensibly true).
This seems a one-dimensional reading, as if the film's purpose is to induce white guilt. In this sense, the more brutal the violence, the more effective the film becomes. (The Passion of the Christ beats audiences into submission for evangelical purposes; 12 Years is more complex.)
There's only one scene that's notably violent, and the violence is largely conveyed through character reaction. The scene is hard to watch, but it's also integral to Northup's story, since it demonstrates how his moral sense is compromised in the interests of self-preservation, and to prevent even more unspeakable horrors. Without getting into spoiler territory, there's greater depth here than some reviews acknowledge.
The film doesn't really play to sentiment, either. There were moments when this would have been the easy choice, and I admired the filmmakers' restraint. In this regard, while the story contains further violence, we often only see its after-effects (as fresh wounds and scars).
I read a good piece (I forget where) that seeks to distinguish 12 Years from other films about slavery, since it isn't told from a white perspective, and therefore isn't about white characters' transformations and realisations.
I'd say watch it on Blu-ray rather than Lovefilm. I'd like to hear what you think. It'd be easier to discuss then, without fear of giving too much away.