I thought that there were several hooks for discussion during the 'The Girl From Nowhere', and I was expecting far more discussion. Three of us have made an attempt to suggest a few plausible ideas about what the film sequences might actually represent, and I was hoping that the other two members might add something, but there has been silence.
When the club started, there was detailed discussion about most of the films. However now that some of the original members have left, we mainly seem to just get members recommending what good films are coming up on TV during the next few days. I think we need to all agree what the purpose of the club will be in future, eg is it a discussion forum, or is it a place to recommend films, or is it something else. I am not trying to start a row with anyone, but unless we agree on the way forward, the club will continue to sleepwalk to a complete stop. *scratch_one-s_head*