The new Philips 21:9 when and in which sizes ?


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Aug 10, 2019
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Does anybody know when the new Philips 21:9 will be available ? Also, there are roumers that there will also be a 52" version - can anybody confirm this, and also if true whether the 52" is a 9000 model ? Does WhatHifi have information on these models ? Thanks.


Morning Peter,

We are currently waiting on the cinema 21:9 to be sent to our warehouses and shipped to a few selected store.We are told it should be within the coming weeks.We've had a few inquiries within store about that size and awaiting a response ourselves but there is a 52 8605 available.

Kind regards



ok thanks for the inputs - I see that AUO just announced a 71" 21:9, seems like the other manufacturers are now moving, I will wait and see - the Philips isnt quite optimal with the reflective screen and no full internet support. The depth of 7cm isnt very pratical for wall mounting either.

AUO 71" 21:9


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the Philips isnt quite optimal with the reflective screen and no full internet support. The depth of 7cm isnt very pratical for wall mounting either.

You really have a thing about this reflection. There is no glass panel on the 9 series so reflection is as minor as it can be. I love the fact that 7cm is a problem!

Clare Newsome

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Indeed - having seen the product in the flesh (as opposed to in pictures that appear to be floodlit!) I can confirm no untoward reflections at all


Clare Newsome:Indeed - having seen the product in the flesh (as opposed to in pictures that appear to be floodlit!) I can confirm no untoward reflections at all

Now that sounds just splendid Clare - I can live with 7cm and the other issues, but 4K for a night-only TV .....


What TV you want Peter you jump from one to the other?

9000 series is not that reflective at all by far the least reflective TV this year!

7CM from the wall is for a reason, if you mount an ambilight TV to close to the wall you lose the spread of ambilight making it a pointless feature you paid good money for. so ether look elsewhere for a slimmer display without it or don't bother.

The philips NET TV has a full opera browser but no FLASH support this is the only TV I know that can do this other Tv's use apps other then the Sony google TV but the overall set is basic in specs (low end sony with google software) so I don't get what your on with no full internet support? its about as good as the browser on a PS3 but unfortunately no mouse or keyboard support.

21:9 Platinum from philips is unfortunately reflective you are correct there, I have seen videos on that well know streaming video site and its reflecting a lamp in the display next to it! its closely based on the design of the 8605 series so its got a glass panel over the front I only imagine there keeping the glossy buy me now sheep happy!

I suggest looking elsewhere for a 52" TV or bite the bullet and go for the 46" 9000 as it's the only least reflective screen I have seen this year!

Its just pointless to keep complaining philips will no doubt sell the 21:9 reflective or not if its not for you don't buy it!



and the other issues, but 4K for a night-only TV .....

What other issues and what do you mean about a night-only TV?

Night-only TV is a TV with reflective screen - like our Panasonic 50PX600 plasma, even it has a antireflection- coating. We are all sure in the family that next and furture TV sets have to be non-reflective. And yes - I say the videos of the new 21:9 with lamps reflecting in the front glass on the exhibition set - unless Philips got realistic and changed back to the matte front screen in the final production ? I have 4K in the bank ready for a 21:9 - but not if its reflective. We will then have to continue using the plasma after sun down, and the 32PFL5404 during the day. We consider the 56PFL9954 21:9 from last year, 1.400GBP including 5 years warrenty is a good deal - but only for delivey in UK unfortunately.


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Just to confirm. I have a 21:9 screen and the panel does not have a glass front on it. The TV does not suffer from the reflection issues you see on the plasma models or the glass fronted Sony's, Sharps or Philips 8 series.

If I was to rate the screens we display on reflective capability the 58PFL9955 would be very near the bottom of the list. There is some reflection but this is equal to that on the other matte finished LCD screens that we have on display.

Clare Newsome

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We are all sure in the family that next and furture TV sets have to be non-reflective. And yes - I say the videos of the new 21:9 with lamps reflecting in the front glass on the exhibition set

I've said it before and i'll say it again.... Judging a screen's real-world reflectivity based on a video of a show - where typically manufacturers use massively bright floodlight-style lighting to go for a dazzling showroom look - isn't reasonable.

Please see this set with your own eyes - heck, take a table-lamp along to the audtiion - before you continue to dismiss it in this manner.


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Nov 17, 2008
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and the other issues, but 4K for a night-only TV .....

What other issues and what do you mean about a night-only TV?

Night-only TV is a TV with reflective screen - like our Panasonic 50PX600 plasma, even it has a antireflection- coating. We are all sure in the family that next and furture TV sets have to be non-reflective. And yes - I say the videos of the new 21:9 with lamps reflecting in the front glass on the exhibition set - unless Philips got realistic and changed back to the matte front screen in the final production ? I have 4K in the bank ready for a 21:9 - but not if its reflective. We will then have to continue using the plasma after sun down, and the 32PFL5404 during the day. We consider the 56PFL9954 21:9 from last year, 1.400GBP including 5 years warrenty is a good deal - but only for delivey in UK unfortunately.

If the reflections are that much of an issue, but you're still that keen on getting a large screen - have you considered re-arranging your living room? I have the LG PK350, pretty much the most reflective screen available, yet I have no issue with it due to the angle light hits it and where I sit. It seems it's a massive problem for you so maybe it would just be easier to get black-out blinds or something if there's no option to move where you, or the screen are located in the room??


I see the 58PFL9955 is now sold for 2.999 Euro - thats a 30% price drop in 30 days, with this speed of 1% a day we could be at 2.500 Euro in January
- a time close to CES with info on how the next model will look like ....... some say the 46HX903 is discontinued - well this 58PFL9955 is a streached 46" if this is of any interest.


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