The Hi Fi revolution

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Tony_R:Andrew Everard:
chebby:Soprano boys and Champagne, Gene Kelly, public school, glass coffee tables, copies of Razzle, free KEFs from editors of dodgy magazines, psychedelic wallpaper, unexplained wealth...?

...Jumpers for goalposts, hmmm...

From Hi Fi revolution to football in 5 pages of posts (sorry I couldn't be asked to count 'em).


Which is why this is the best forum on the web. Period.
Tony_R:From Hi Fi revolution to football in 5 pages of posts (sorry I couldn't be asked to count 'em)

This is a bit of a giveaway...

"Page 5 of 5 (75 items)

Damn! It's gone to 6 pages now.
al7478:Tony_R:From Hi Fi revolution...

Hifi What? The who now?

CDPs suck.

Where am i?

The Total Perspective Vortex I think.

(Now where's my piece of fairy cake?)
Hughes123:[Which is why this is the best forum on the web. Period.


chebby:Tony_R:From Hi Fi revolution to football in 5 pages of posts (sorry I couldn't be asked to count 'em)

This is a bit of a giveaway...

"Page 5 of 5 (75 items) < Previous 1 2 3 4 5"

Damn! It's gone to 6 pages now.

lol!! thanks for enlightening me chebby - I'm too focused on the content to notice such things...
chebby:Showing your age Andrew.

At this rate only young Hughes will 'get' your cultural references.

Per se, per se, per se...
chebby:al7478:Tony_R:From Hi Fi revolution...

Hifi What? The who now?

CDPs suck.

Where am i?

The Total Perspective Vortex I think.

(Now where's my piece of fairy cake?)

42! (just to demo that i looked the vortex thingy up on wiki and therefore can fake knowledge of what youre talking about. Havent read it. i mean, i have too much fun here.)
chebby:Showing your age Andrew.

At this rate only young Hughes will 'get' your cultural references.

Allegedly young - of course we don't know this for sure do we?

He does write with the maturity of somebody of greater years....

<Tony ducks...>
chebby:Tony_R:Tony ducks

Is that an action or a preferred new address?

If there was any decent pictures of me, I'd prove it, but there aren't - he who dares take photo of j'accuse risks even the finest ground lens glass (insert Clarkson style emphatic pause) in the world...
Hughes123:a few nice cars (Jag Mark X, Rover P5, Lotus Excel) but they're not expensive

This is irony, yes?
tractorboy:Hughes123:a few nice cars (Jag Mark X, Rover P5, Lotus Excel) but they're not expensive

This is irony, yes?

In the case of the Jag Mk X probably rusty irony by now
al7478:chebby:preferred new address?

Hughes's gaff innit. BOO!

Here it is in all its glory...13th floor, number 666...

chebby:tractorboy:Hughes123:a few nice cars (Jag Mark X, Rover P5, Lotus Excel) but they're not expensive

This is irony, yes?

In the case of the Jag Mk X probably rusty irony by now

If its this sort of irony, I'm in.

al7478:chebby:preferred new address?

Hughes's gaff innit. BOO!

Here it is in all its glory...13th floor, number 666...


Trellick Towers was designed by architect Erno Goldfinger. He was a near neighbour of Ian Fleming where they lived in Hampstead.

After a failed dispute over the design of Goldfinger's modernist house in Willow Road (which he hated because 3 old cottages had been demolished to make way for it), Fleming 'got his own back' by naming the fictional arch criminal after the architect.

Which brings us back to young Hughes' true identity....
I've told you time and time's Alex Rider not Young Bond...


Very good knowledge though Chebby, that's a fact I'll tell all my mates down the punch up tonight...


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