The Apex Club

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Hi Ricky

I love the A-100, it works perfectly with the apex. The sound has much more clarity I believe thanks to the xt32 and the bass is much tighter, balanced and punchier than before. I've been in touch with audyssey to help me optimise xt32 and they've helped a lot. Lots of cool features included with the A-100, I still haven't explored them all. Dolby volume is pretty cool. I haven't tested the pioneer, I've always stuck with Denon or Yamaha. Pioneer always sounded bright to me. Denon is much warmer to my ears.

Having the audyssey multeq xt32 would work nicely with your dual aw-12 subwoofers! 🙂

Definitely worth considering. Bluray movies sound amazing! Better than being at the cinema ;-)
Ian_b said:
Hi, I'm seriously thinking about joining the club.

I am thinking of upgrading my 7.1 Jamo A102 set up to the Apex. Its a serious upgrade financially and I can't help wondering how much difference I would notice.

With the Apex would a 5.1 set up be ok?

Also I have a Pioneer 919AH, is it up to the Apex, in 5.1 or 7.1.

Thanks for any help.


Thanks Ricky and gosalh for your replies.

I thought I might need to upgrade the amp. Would a Pioneer VSXLX53 be up to the job?

Thanks again.

Ian_b said:
Thanks Ricky and gosalh for your replies.

I thought I might need to upgrade the amp. Would a Pioneer VSXLX53 be up to the job?

Thanks again.


Haven't heard that one myself, but some ppl seem to enjoy the synnergy of Pioneer with Monitor Audio speakers. So far I've been very pleased with my Denon with it's Audyssey MultEQ calibration. Seems to suit Apex very well indeed. Not a big bet the LX53 would be a step-up from your current one though right? Hopefully you will be able to demo & test this first!
gosalh said:
Hi Ricky I love the A-100, it works perfectly with the apex. The sound has much more clarity I believe thanks to the xt32 and the bass is much tighter, balanced and punchier than before. I've been in touch with audyssey to help me optimise xt32 and they've helped a lot. Lots of cool features included with the A-100, I still haven't explored them all. Dolby volume is pretty cool. I haven't tested the pioneer, I've always stuck with Denon or Yamaha. Pioneer always sounded bright to me. Denon is much warmer to my ears. Having the audyssey multeq xt32 would work nicely with your dual aw-12 subwoofers! 🙂 Definitely worth considering. Bluray movies sound amazing! Better than being at the cinema ;-)

Glad you are so happy with your A-100. Didn't expect anything less. I've only demoed it once, it was awesome!

Yeah, can't imagine the more advanced Audyssey MultEQ XT32 doing anything other than wonders with my twin sub's! But more importantly - improving the already wonderful overall sound as a whole.

Might I ask you what settings you change after calibration? Do you have to correct the cut-off frequency in your set-up? Do you use the 'flat' setting in Audyssey or any other? I've gotten the best result from my Denon with using the 'flat' setting, which seem to bring out even more detail from the Apex, and the overall sound is not as "thick" or "heavy" as the default Audyssey setting. Honestly I've never heard any calibration-system better than Audyssey in my listeningroom (having tried Yamaha's YPAO and Pioneers MCACC in the past). The sound becomes utterly dynamic, as opposed to the opposite, and simply flows better with fine integration and envelopment. Will be interesting to see what the SC-LX83 can do with its more advanced MCACC.

Also, I tried yesterday just running the calibration in the sweet-spot ONLY, despite Audysseys own recommendations, and skipping the other 4-6 measuring-points. Several people I've spoken to have themselves recommended this and indeed the sense of improvement actually grew a few notches! It seems that with more measuring-points the system lands on a final "compromise" rather than optimal for your main seating position. Try it if you get a chance and let me know your results! My result was more spatial defintion, more air and more "grunt"! Noticable!

Would be cool to know what Audyssey themselves have to give you in terms of tips! Do share! 😛

Do you plan on expanding your 5.1? Maybe try DSX height or width?
The only settings i changed after calibration was the crossover (set from 40Hz (C), 40Hz (L, R), 60Hz (SBL, SBR) to 80Hz. The channel level for the left speaker was slightly off so i fixed that. I haven't played around with Audyssey flat. I've got it set to optimise all channel frequencies at the moment i.e. Audyssey. Will have a play with Audyssey flat and will let you know the result. I did initially try positioning the microphone for the main 3 listening positions (on the sofa). But it didnt sound that great. I did the full 8 listening positions and it sounds fantastic now.

I want to upgrade to DSX at some point, can't afford to at the mo 🙁 - maybe for Xmas.

IMO Audyssey is probably the best calibration tool, i've used Pioneer's and you're left with very loose sound.

In all Audyssey XT32 has done the trick for me with my Apex. Very glad i paid that extra for the A-100. Both movies and music sound awesome now.

I watched the movie 'The Town' the other day on Bluray. The sound was rich and punchy and the subwoofer was nicely balanced with the satellites. I also tested the Tron Legacy and Dark Knight (the club scene where Batman gets one of the gangsters). Tron Legacy has a lot of bass and both Tron Legacy and the club scene in Dark Knight used to sound way too boomy with Multeq XT (using my old Denon 3311). Now with Multi XT32 the bass is much tighter, cleaner, smooth and sounds perfect in every way. Made a big difference to my setup.

Ricky if the budget allows, i highly recommend going to XT32.
Just wanted to pop in to mention my new Apex system have now had about 300 hrs of running-in and wow, they really sing! It's been interesting hearing the improvements creeping up on me over time. I wish everyone looking for a compact lifestyle system would consider these! Audio-luxury in a delicious format! Can't imagine anyone not falling hard for these!

I have to say, Apex have surpassed my floorstanding systems of the past. And that ain't no small feat. The people over at Monitor Audio are talented f*ckers!
Hi RickyDeg

Yes, Monitor Audio sure do know a thing or two about producing excellent speakers :bigsmile:

Btw, nice avatar although i am sure i've never seen a similar one elsewhere

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
Hi RickyDeg

Yes, Monitor Audio sure do know a thing or two about producing excellent speakers :bigsmile:

Btw, nice avatar although i am sure i've never seen a similar one elsewhere

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft


I've seen a similar one elsewhere too! I was inspired gosalh.....hehe. Actually not, I tried uploading mine here several weeks ago but the site wouldn't let me, would you believe. Regardless, it's good to show we're fans!

BTW, Rick, may I ask if you've had any expensive listening-sessions with Pioneer SC-LX83 running Apex? Unless I'm mistaken, you personally often recommend Yamaha with these, but just curious. I've lended a sample from my dealer this weekend to test at home yet so far I'm really not impressed (compared to my 3 year old Denon). It's too soon to rule this combo out though, I'll be running em for a few more days, but I'm already missing my Denon which I disconnected only last night. The Pioneer doesn't seem to have any where near the same "weight", "warmth" or "presence" that the Denon can muster. Figure that.
RickyDeg said:
Hi RickyDeg

Yes, Monitor Audio sure do know a thing or two about producing excellent speakers :bigsmile:

Btw, nice avatar although i am sure i've never seen a similar one elsewhere

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft


I've seen a similar one elsewhere too! I was inspired gosalh.....hehe. Actually not, I tried uploading mine here several weeks ago but the site wouldn't let me, would you believe. Regardless, it's good to show we're fans!

BTW, Rick, may I ask if you've had any expensive listening-sessions with Pioneer SC-LX83 running Apex? Unless I'm mistaken, you personally often recommend Yamaha with these, but just curious. I've lended a sample from my dealer this weekend to test at home yet so far I'm really not impressed (compared to my 3 year old Denon). It's too soon to rule this combo out though, I'll be running em for a few more days, but I'm already missing my Denon which I disconnected only last night. The Pioneer doesn't seem to have any where near the same "weight", "warmth" or "presence" that the Denon can muster. Figure that.

Hi RickyDeg

I am sorry for my late reply 🙁 I was hoping to have responded by yesterday evening however i had to set up the new Gold GX200 AV15 speaker package and it took longer then expected. I think you'll be glad to know that the people at Monitor Audio have with the GX Series produced another range of excellent speakers 🙂 I listened to the GX200 AV15 with a PR-SC5508 AV processor/Odean power amp and the sound the speakers were reproducing was excellent :bigsmile:

Anyway as good as both the LX83 and Apex speakers are i would not pair them together and your findings are pretty much are in line with mine. Fwiw, unless you're not happy with your Denon amp then i would suggest that you carry on using it with your Apex speakers for a while yet.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
We've found, as well as many if our customers, that the SCLX83 is a great match for the Apex speakers (MA have one for testing purposes, so I was told). It's digital amplification sounds cleaner than many standard Class A/B AV receivers thanks to it's lower noise floor. Digital amplification is also more neutral, giving a far more accurate performance than warmer Class A/B too - some like that warmth and will feel that the 83's ICE amplification is too 'lean' for them - other prefer a more accurate and neutral sound when it comes to AV - myself included. Digital amplification is also more energetic to listen to, bringing an energy and life to a system that very few conventional AV receivers can match. The only possible benefit the 100 will have over the 83 is XT32, but then, MCACC is no slouch either, and is one of the more accurate room EQ's I've experienced in my own room. I wouldn't change my 83 for anything, and I'm using it with speakers that many (mistakenly) accuse of being bright.

As always, it's personal preference though, so a properly set up demo is highly recommended - unlike the one that was attended by a new customer of ours where he said the Pioneer sounded disappointing - he then came to us and said the difference in quality between the two demos was night and day.

I also think the opinions of certain products should be left to those that A/ have heard them, B/ have experience of them on a continual basis, and C/ heard them in different room with different speaker packages.
I am almost a fully paid up member of the Apex Club I have everything apart from the AW-12. i am having a slight problem.

I picked up the stands yesterday and installed the A 10 front and back but I have found that when people speak I have to set the volume high on my amp to hear them most noticeable on SKY HD channels. The amp I am using is a denon 1910 (soon to be upgraded).

I used the auto odyssey set up on my denon 1910. I put the mic in and placed it around the room and start the set up.

It sets the fronts to large so I changed them to small then I changed the cross over feq. to 80mhz as it set them at 40mhz.

Have I done some thing wrong? When people move chairs open doors, car engine sounds etc sounds fine but when they speak the dialogue is very low. The volume level has to be -21 to get a good clear speaking sound and -15 to make it quite loud. My old kef s3001 didn’t really need anything over volume level -35 before my miss started to tell me to turn them down.

I am using a digital audio cable for the sky box into the amp.

I can increase the sound by changing the source (menu number 5.5 on the denon) level to +5dB any louder than that and I start to get that hear that hissing sound speaker make.

Pioneer SC-LX83 vs. Denon AVR-3808A

I been fortunate over the past week to borrow a Pioneer SC-LX83 (and it's accompanying BDP-LX54) for the sole purpose of doing some extensive home-testing. Having heard a short demo last fall and of course reading all the positives about this receiver I became curious to see what advantages it would offer driving my new Apex-system. Especially being a more costly, more advanced and up-to-date system than my Denon AVR-3808A and DVD-2500BT.

I've yet to find myself very enthusiastic about any PIONEER kit, especially receivers, as they've never really been my cup of tea, sonically. I owned the old VSA-E06 years ago, and while it was fine at the time, it didn't really fulfill my audio-cravings in the long run. Ontop of that I tested the VSA-AX5i some 6/7 years ago and the MCACC didn't impress me in the least. In fact, in my set-up is worsened pretty much everything about the audio reproduction. So naturally it would be interesting to see what advancements and improvements the brand might have gone through over the years. Perhaps this time it would suit my tastes better? Expectations where high.

Upon installation I ran and re-ran the Full-Auto MCACC calibration and EQ system, set Full-Band Phase to work, along with the 32-bit DAC and enabled the jitter-free function PQLS via the disc-player. I did no changes in speaker-placement or settings of the AW-12 subwoofers, but rather let things be exactly the way they where while the Denon AVR-3808A was in charge.

The first thing that struck me had nothing to do with the receiver however, but rather the speed and razor-sharp images of the disc-player BDP-LX54. My Denon player is 3 years old and clearly not quite up to par, though certainly still great (with build-quality to rival a tank!). On the audio-side I was immediately struck by the wide soundstage and detail-reproduction within it, as the SC-LX83 delivered the first few scenes of the Blu-rays for 'Avatar', 'Sunshine', 'Toy Story 3' and 'Dark City' . I definitely heard more fine detail and slightly more neurality than my with my Denon-duo. But apart from that the Pioneer SC-LX83 came off as rather subdued sounding on the whole, almost anemic in direct comparison with the lively and more punchy Denon. Already after the first 10 mins I began missing the Denon, and it's more colorful and engrossing reproduction. The Pioneer is suppose to be way more powerful (on paper) than the Denon is, but in practice it didn't come off as such to my ears. With action-packed and atmospheric soundtracks alike the Pioneer was layered and delicately detailed, but there was no feeling of weight, punch or immersion when compared to what the Denon delivers. Surround-presence was also very different - it was too "light", and came off as "separated" - not at all up to the level of the Denon. It was not as seamlessly integrated with the front-channels as I've gotten use to, or indeed as I had expected.

One thing I found fascinating was the way Pioneer controlled the subwoofer AW-12. Without changing any settings on the subwoofer itself the LFE and overall bass-presence was a little restrained through the Pioneer. Almost as if it was held back. Not deep and forceful as I've become accustomed to with the Denon. Perhaps it has to do with how MCACC tackles it? But nevertheless, with the Denon the AW-12 display both grip and depth with plenty of low-level detail. The Pioneer felt lacking....and simply turning the level up didn’t help much either, but rather made the AW-12 stand out too much and failed on integration.

After these initial disappointments I ran the Full-Auto and Automatic (Expert) calibrations additional times and made slight adjustments thereafter. Small things changed, but no worthy improvements to my ear. Then I decided to turn MCACC off, and toggle between different modes and settings. No worthy improvements here either. Given, this is an extremely advanced calibration and EQ-system and thus without knowing exactly what you are doing, making too many changes can often turn negative, so I tried staying clear of that. I had high hopes that I should have been able to trust the full automatic settings in order to get the most out of my Apex. But obviously, there was not much joy to be had here.

Doing this A-B comparison with my 3 year old receiver resulted in a questionmark as to what exactly so many people (and reviewers) like about the SC-LX83, sonically. Obviously, we all have different audio-ideals and tastes, but perhaps I've just gotten so use to what the Denon delivers it's hard to encounter something so different. But switching to a top-flight feature-filled receiver that is not only more costly and up-to-date but also THX Ultra certified only to end up this disappointed was quite a surprise, even a let-down. Even though I was prepared for a different sonic character I atleast expected the Pioneer to deliver similar punch, weight, envelopment and grip that the Denon does. Especially since I've heard so many people mention those exact words when describing the SC-LX83. I know a lot of people say they are happy with Pioneer and it's MCACC and I would hope they experience amazing benefits, but I can't help wondering what they manage to get out of the Apex + Pioneer combo that I simply didn't?

In my humble opinion Audyssey MultEQ delivers far more convincing results in my set-up than what MCACC was able to do, despite the latter being more advanced. Perhaps Audyssey tailors the audio better to my listeningenvironment and simply suit my taste better. Naturally, no automatic calibrationsystem can do it all, and sometimes turning it off or carefully adjusting things yourself can yeild better results. But no matter what I did in terms of manual or automatic adjustments of MCACC things never really fell into place with this Pioneer. It seems my Apex (and ears) are better at home with Denon.

To conclude I must say I'm somewhat disappointed by this experience, even though it was fun and enlightening. This only yet again confirms my admiration of Denon coupled with Audyssey and how they seem to get the most out of my Apex. I'm certain some would not agree with that though. And yes, naturally there are better receivers and amplifiers out there. The AVR-3808A is only an upper mid-class receiver after all, not even of the latest generation. Can't wait to see what the newer more advanced Audyssey MultEQ XT32 can muster with these speakers, so I guess I'll remain a Denon-fan for a while longer. No more Pioneer for me. And before you ask, I did not receive a faulty SC-LX83 sample, as this one is normally in demo at my retailers store and in fine condition. The duo is going back tomorrow. Apart from possibly the BDP-LX54 it will not be missed.


(the doors of my new A/V cabinet have yet to be installed)
Hi RickyDeg,

Sorry to hear you did not get on with the Pioneer amp, I have the LX72 which replaced my 1909 and the sound is poles apart.

I know that the 1909 is lower down the scale than your 3808 but the Pioner really does sing.

What are your A10's mounted on?
RickyDeg said:

Pioneer SC-LX83 vs. Denon AVR-3808A

I been fortunate over the past week to borrow a Pioneer SC-LX83 (and it's accompanying BDP-LX54) for the sole purpose of doing some extensive home-testing. Having heard a short demo last fall and of course reading all the positives about this receiver I became curious to see what advantages it would offer driving my new Apex-system. Especially being a more costly, more advanced and up-to-date system than my Denon AVR-3808A and DVD-2500BT.

I've yet to find myself very enthusiastic about any PIONEER kit, especially receivers, as they've never really been my cup of tea, sonically. I owned the old VSA-E06 years ago, and while it was fine at the time, it didn't really fulfill my audio-cravings in the long run. Ontop of that I tested the VSA-AX5i some 6/7 years ago and the MCACC didn't impress me in the least. In fact, in my set-up is worsened pretty much everything about the audio reproduction. So naturally it would be interesting to see what advancements and improvements the brand might have gone through over the years. Perhaps this time it would suit my tastes better? Expectations where high.

Upon installation I ran and re-ran the Full-Auto MCACC calibration and EQ system, set Full-Band Phase to work, along with the 32-bit DAC and enabled the jitter-free function PQLS via the disc-player. I did no changes in speaker-placement or settings of the AW-12 subwoofers, but rather let things be exactly the way they where while the Denon AVR-3808A was in charge.

The first thing that struck me had nothing to do with the receiver however, but rather the speed and razor-sharp images of the disc-player BDP-LX54. My Denon player is 3 years old and clearly not quite up to par, though certainly still great (with build-quality to rival a tank!). On the audio-side I was immediately struck by the wide soundstage and detail-reproduction within it, as the SC-LX83 delivered the first few scenes of the Blu-rays for 'Avatar', 'Sunshine', 'Toy Story 3' and 'Dark City' . I definitely heard more fine detail and slightly more neurality than my with my Denon-duo. But apart from that the Pioneer SC-LX83 came off as rather subdued sounding on the whole, almost anemic in direct comparison with the lively and more punchy Denon. Already after the first 10 mins I began missing the Denon, and it's more colorful and engrossing reproduction. The Pioneer is suppose to be way more powerful (on paper) than the Denon is, but in practice it didn't come off as such to my ears. With action-packed and atmospheric soundtracks alike the Pioneer was layered and delicately detailed, but there was no feeling of weight, punch or immersion when compared to what the Denon delivers. Surround-presence was also very different - it was too "light", and came off as "separated" - not at all up to the level of the Denon. It was not as seamlessly integrated with the front-channels as I've gotten use to, or indeed as I had expected.

One thing I found fascinating was the way Pioneer controlled the subwoofer AW-12. Without changing any settings on the subwoofer itself the LFE and overall bass-presence was a little restrained through the Pioneer. Almost as if it was held back. Not deep and forceful as I've become accustomed to with the Denon. Perhaps it has to do with how MCACC tackles it? But nevertheless, with the Denon the AW-12 display both grip and depth with plenty of low-level detail. The Pioneer felt lacking....and simply turning the level up didn’t help much either, but rather made the AW-12 stand out too much and failed on integration.

After these initial disappointments I ran the Full-Auto and Automatic (Expert) calibrations additional times and made slight adjustments thereafter. Small things changed, but no worthy improvements to my ear. Then I decided to turn MCACC off, and toggle between different modes and settings. No worthy improvements here either. Given, this is an extremely advanced calibration and EQ-system and thus without knowing exactly what you are doing, making too many changes can often turn negative, so I tried staying clear of that. I had high hopes that I should have been able to trust the full automatic settings in order to get the most out of my Apex. But obviously, there was not much joy to be had here.

Doing this A-B comparison with my 3 year old receiver resulted in a questionmark as to what exactly so many people (and reviewers) like about the SC-LX83, sonically. Obviously, we all have different audio-ideals and tastes, but perhaps I've just gotten so use to what the Denon delivers it's hard to encounter something so different. But switching to a top-flight feature-filled receiver that is not only more costly and up-to-date but also THX Ultra certified only to end up this disappointed was quite a surprise, even a let-down. Even though I was prepared for a different sonic character I atleast expected the Pioneer to deliver similar punch, weight, envelopment and grip that the Denon does. Especially since I've heard so many people mention those exact words when describing the SC-LX83. I know a lot of people say they are happy with Pioneer and it's MCACC and I would hope they experience amazing benefits, but I can't help wondering what they manage to get out of the Apex + Pioneer combo that I simply didn't?

In my humble opinion Audyssey MultEQ delivers far more convincing results in my set-up than what MCACC was able to do, despite the latter being more advanced. Perhaps Audyssey tailors the audio better to my listeningenvironment and simply suit my taste better. Naturally, no automatic calibrationsystem can do it all, and sometimes turning it off or carefully adjusting things yourself can yeild better results. But no matter what I did in terms of manual or automatic adjustments of MCACC things never really fell into place with this Pioneer. It seems my Apex (and ears) are better at home with Denon.

To conclude I must say I'm somewhat disappointed by this experience, even though it was fun and enlightening. This only yet again confirms my admiration of Denon coupled with Audyssey and how they seem to get the most out of my Apex. I'm certain some would not agree with that though. And yes, naturally there are better receivers and amplifiers out there. The AVR-3808A is only an upper mid-class receiver after all, not even of the latest generation. Can't wait to see what the newer more advanced Audyssey MultEQ XT32 can muster with these speakers, so I guess I'll remain a Denon-fan for a while longer. No more Pioneer for me. And before you ask, I did not receive a faulty SC-LX83 sample, as this one is normally in demo at my retailers store and in fine condition. The duo is going back tomorrow. Apart from possibly the BDP-LX54 it will not be missed.


(the doors of my new A/V cabinet have yet to be installed)

Have you put your Denon DVD-2500BT with the Pioneer SC-LX83 and had a listen?
gel said:
Have you put your Denon DVD-2500BT with the Pioneer SC-LX83 and had a listen?

Great that you asked. I did that the first day actually. Nothing worth of note. I also tried the BDP-LX54 with the AVR-3808A but then the excellent OSD/GUI of the receiver became troublesome, and the HDMI-handshake wasn't as optimal.
Hi RickyDeg

Thanks for sharing your views. Excellent post 🙂

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft

Thanks, Rick! I'll be test-driving the Yamaha RX-V3067 next, I think!
Just for fun!
michael hoy said:
Hi RickyDeg,

Sorry to hear you did not get on with the Pioneer amp, I have the LX72 which replaced my 1909 and the sound is poles apart.

I know that the 1909 is lower down the scale than your 3808 but the Pioner really does sing.

What are your A10's mounted on?

Good for you that your Apex + Pioneer combo sings! To each his own

My two pairs of rear A10's are placed on the dedicated Apex stands. Their design looks awkward but they do the job. The front-trio (A10 + A40) are placed ontop flat Soundcare Superspikes for isolation.
If you have still got the 83, try turning the EQ off, it's made a huge difference with my 73, I've left the phase control and standing wave on. But centre channel is much better and the Apex really sound awesome now.
markjaspi said:
If you have still got the 83, try turning the EQ off, it's made a huge difference with my 73, I've left the phase control and standing wave on. But centre channel is much better and the Apex really sound awesome now.

Thanks Mark. I did fiddle with that several times during my test though. Obviously it sounded different, adding a bit more transparency. On the whole I still didn't feel it surpassed the overall reproduction of the Denon so that didn't help tip the scale in favour of the Pioneer. Glad you think your set-up sounds awesome though.
gosalh said:
So with the forthcoming update to the B&W MT-30 system. Anyone think it will top the Apex?

It will have to be a significant overhaul of the MT30 to match the Apex but you never know.Maybe B&W have reliased that there is a demand for premium,high end style systems that can hold their own against more traditional packages.I would love a set of ATC's but I just don't have the room,a wife that would allow it and a 2 year old that wouldn't put his fingers through the cones.In this respect the Apex are superb and sound fantastic.Come on B&W give MA some competition and let's get more high end style systems out there!
gosalh said:
So with the forthcoming update to the B&W MT-30 system. Anyone think it will top the Apex?

Good question! This will be a very interesting thing to see (hear) later on, for sure. B&W does make good speakers, but honestly they've yet to impress me personally as much as the ones I've heard from Monitor Audio. Went listening to their new Gold GX speakers yesterday (GX100 + GX200) and they are truly fine, by the way. It's good that B&W push for a new high-end compact system - there is a shortage of that in the speaker-world, I'm thinking. I'm also thinking I'll be a very happy camper with Apex for a long time coming, so no "threat" from B&W worries me too much.

Oh, and thank you for the compliment on my set-up, gosalh. I'm in the midst of moving apartments so my set-up is a tad messy at the moment, even though it didn't appear that way in the pictures. Will be nice once I've moved and put everything in it's place.

Will be great to see your pictures! Get cracking!


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