Tannoy Highline 500 or Kef kht-3005 SE?


New member
Feb 8, 2011
With the prices coming down on especially the highline series, which one do you think is better than the other for:

- Imaging

- High frequencies

I've heard the kef set, and thought it was really good, especially in both areas i mentioned above. It didn't really matter where you sat, the sound was pretty much the same. Normally this pin-point imaging goes hand in hand with bright-shrill high frequencies, but none of that here. The only thing i did notice was that the kef set wasn't too happy with music like Coldplay and the like, so that's why i'm wondering if the extra woofer on the tannoy would make any difference there.

So did anybody listen to both of them or just the Tannoy set, and have anything to add? Would really appreciate is as i want to complement my Yamaha rx-v3800!
The 500 highline should, and I'm confident would, wipe the floor with the 3005SE, which also as you've found isn't very good for music.

When I demod the highline 500 was still at £2.5k, so I was demoing standard Arena set against the 3005SE, and they were significantly better for films and music, including detail. The Arena to me performs well for music. I'm confident the 500 highline would be an even bigger step up.

The highline 500 is in a differetn league to the 3005SE.
Thanks for your reply. How did you feel the highs of the tannoy's were? A bit bright or just fine? And sitting off-axis?
There is no problem off axis with the Highline 500's as they use a Dual Concentric drive unit that has good wide dispersion. Good as the 3005's are they are no match for the Highlines - the stanard Arena pack gives them a run for their money. Treble is clearer and more accurate and the overall sound larger.

The amplifier you choose will have an impact on the sound but the Tannoys are not abrasive so even something upfront like an Onkyo will work with them. Of the Highline 500 packs we have been selling lately the majority are matched with the Pioneer SC-LX83 and Marantz SR7005. The Marantz being the better match in my opinion.
The Tannoy's have plenty of detail, but aren't harsh or wearing, which is sometinhg I'd encountered doing a lot of demoing of KEFs and the MT-30.

I don't feel as if there is much dofference off-axis, and as stated above, the dual concentric driver arrangement is about getting a good sound dispersion.

I've had a Marantz and a Denon with the Arena and found it really good, but the ICE Pioneer amps would also no doubt be very good.


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