Taking a UK purchased LCD TV to New Zealand


New member
Aug 10, 2019
As TVs in NZ tend to be older models and more expensive than the Uk thought I might buy a 1080P sony or samsung LCD on my next trip to the UK and send it over to NZ. Could anyone tell me if the TV would work over there or is there a prob with sound freq. etc

Comments much appreciated
Should be fine as long as the TV does PAL B/G (used in NZ) and PAL I (as used in UK). Some discussion of this on a NZ immigration site here, but most PAL TVs can handle the various versions of the standard. Just check with the manufacturer before you buy that the one you're thinking of can do the job.
Thanks for taking the time out to reply to my question Andrew, with 25,000 brits going to NZ a year (cant think why) your comments will be helpfulto loads of people.

Thanks again!!
Judging from yesterday's stats in the news about emigration from the UK, have a feeling I'll be answering more questions like that in the future!



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