System matching: Monitor Audio BX2 and amp


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Aug 10, 2019
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Hi guys,

Having demo'd the MA BX2s in RS a couple of weeks back, I was hugely impressed with them. In this demo, they were matched with the CA 351A and the Marantz PM6004 amps and tbh, sounded great with both of them.

Reading the WHF review, however, the BX2s are supposedly picky with system matching. Therefore, my question is: what amp "should" the BX2s sound best with out of:

- CA 351A

- Marantz PM6004

- Rotel RA-10

For background, I'll be playing mostly 16/44.1 320kbps MP3/AAC files in iTunes via a USB DAC. Hard to say atm which one, but possibly an HRT MSII/II+, rDAC or rPAC.

Thanks in advance for your help.
System matching isn't an exact science. If you like both Cambridge and Marantz amps then decide which one gives you the ideal inputs. Ask for a home dem: RS gives you a 28 days returns policy.

In addition to the aforementioned amps, try looking at Arcam A18*, Nad 326BEE* and the see which ones float your boat.

* These are also available at Richer Sounds.

Ben K.

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Nov 6, 2010
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I found when I had my br2s that arcam smoothed them out while rotel excited them. I preferred the smooth arcam sound but my brother prefered the energy the rotel gave them. I know this is not much help but it does support PPs notion that this is not an exact science. It's all rather subjective.

Enjoy your search!


That's helpful, cheers. If possible, I'll demo the nad, although I think the Arcam is definitely beyond budget, sadly!

Mainly, I was slightly perturbed that WHF commented on the BX2s being "picky with system matching"... then proceeded to not recommend what they should or should not be matched with! Frustrating.
john_caius said:
That's helpful, cheers. If possible, I'll demo the nad, although I think the Arcam is definitely beyond budget, sadly!

Mainly, I was slightly perturbed that WHF commented on the BX2s being "picky with system matching"... then proceeded to not recommend what they should or should not be matched with! Frustrating.

Every component needs careful matching, away from the all-in-one makes. If you read the whole review there's little to get concerned about, hence why we say it's always best to audition before parting with your hard-earned...


That's partly why I was surprised to read the caution about system matching!

On a side note, since I'm looking to buy this system as my 21st present, is it worth waiting until after Xmas to purchase? As in, are RS, superfi etc. likely to discount more? Thanks.
System matching also includes room acoustics. If you buy from Richer... they have a 28 day returns policy. If you want a run down on different amps, I'll give you a briefing based on my own findings:

Nad, generally, produce very powerful amps that major in power and bass. Could be more transparent.

Arcam have a smooth to neutral sound; nicely detailed but can lack a little oomph compared to Nad.

Marantz similar to Arcam but midrange is a little more open.

Cambridge is fairly mechanical sounding but does offer a lot of bang for your buck.


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Feb 17, 2008
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Do yourself a favour, try a Onkyo TX8050 as per my sig.

i had the CA540a ver2 previously I find the BX2s shine with this amp , whereas I found that the CA was a little bright with them probably the metal dome tweeters? As as said previously all depends on your room etc.

The Onkyo is a great piece of kit!! Network ready Spotify ext hard drive or stick play via USB 2 optical 2 coax inputs even a half decent phono stage !

got mine for £250 at RS but I find the cheapest now is £300 still a bargain!

Good luck


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Feb 22, 2010
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The Arcam A19 I think is now available, although A18s should still be around.

Not sure about the sound of the source/DACs your looking at is, but I've had good experience with an Arcam amp with a Rotel CDP (an some exciting speakers), which seemed to take the best of all the elements, so maybe the DAC you choose can help create that synergy/balance.

I believe there is a Rotel DAC, although probably a bit more than you were looking to spend.


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Jun 8, 2007
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IMO the BX2 will work fine with ;

-Marantz PM6004

-Denon PMA-720AE

-Pioneer A-30 (my personal favourite)

Hope this helps a bit.


Hi again guys - I ended up buying the PM6004, BX2s and a TEAC UD-H01 DAC. Very very happy with my first seperates system - so thanks for all your help.


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Nov 3, 2014
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I've just bought a pair of bx2s and I'm running them through a Cambridge A1 integrated. They sound amazing! I'm no expert as I'm just getting back into my audio obsessed ways, but this very cheap and very capable amp seems to be doing just fine. They sound crisp and untroubled and pick up every little sound. Jake bugg live, with just an acoustic guitar, is like he's sitting next to me.
I love my little cheap set up!


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