Hello guys , I just had a pretty strong conversation with the importer and supplier of SVS in NZ and i'm pretty upset at their raising the price of their subs $2499 for a sb13 ultra and now the are $3400,and the PB 13 ultra is a $1000! from 2799 to 3800. I cant see how the exchange rate justifies the huge price rise but it seems that the cost effective SVS range that has been touted as a great value for money now seems as its just another sub range that is no cheaper than its competitors. A new director comes in and straight away raises all the prices and blames the nz-us dollar but when taking a close look it in no way comes close to the $1000 for tax , import and nz-us adjustment...can anyone offer a reasonable opinion , and i appreciate that all info is not available to most on here, seems like straight up greed ... thanks guys