suitable reciever for B & W MT-25


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I currently have a yamaha RXV-1400RDS ( THX ) , with my B & W speakers. While i am happy with the sound it is getting a bit old now and it would be nice to have HDMI switching. My budget now is slightly less than when i bought the yamaha, I can afford £500 max. Can any of you kind folk help me out with some suitable candidates for me to look at as there is just so much choice!


I have my B&W (MT-30) connected through a Denon 2311. it's brilliant. We use it mostly for TV & Blu-ray but still play plenty of music through the amp. I believe you can get the 2311 for about £450. Certainly worth a listen. Good Hunting!
+2 for the denon its superb.. i use the m1 sats with a rel sub and its not only good for movies but is excellent for music as well.


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