Subwoofer polarity? 0 or 180 ?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi everyone i have bought the boston acoutic soundware xs the other day and on the back of the sub it has something called polarity and there i a switch to put it on 0 or 180 i have looked through the manual but i dont have a clue what it is and what it does.
Basically it does what it describes, it reverses the polarity of the sub, so when the cone was moving out it now moves in. Usually you don't need to touch this switch, but you can try reversing it to see which setting sounds best.
As above one will emphasise the bass as it is "in phase" the other the waveform is 180 degrees out of phase.

One will suit your room or your tastes. Just try them both out. Its all to do with Nodes and antinodes and room acoustics


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