hifikrazy said:The fact of the matter is that you can't prove that his mind was playing tricks with his, his girlfriend's and his daughter's hearing. So any declarations of placebo is insulting to him.
hifikrazy said:...And I don't buy their "I'm just trying to help him save some money" moral justification either.
I guess this is just the world we live in today where the most charming and harmless story or youtube video inevitably degenerates into a bigoted war of words in the comments section, just because some pathetic sods get a kick out of trying to act smart or witty.
pauln said:hifikrazy said:I guess this is just the world we live in today where the most charming and harmless story or youtube video inevitably degenerates into a bigoted war of words in the comments section, just because some pathetic sods get a kick out of trying to act smart or witty.
You shouldn't assume that everyone is the same as you are.
cheeseboy said:I can still never get my head around the fact that A and B in this picture are the same colour. I cut them out in photoshop and prove to my brain they are, but my eyes still see different, and I'm actually more interested in why the brain does it, rather than anything else. I think that's probably why people in both camps get their nickers in a twist, as on the one hand we can prove they are the same, but on the other we can't see they are the same. Hope that makes sense?
CJSF said:Upgrade knocking seems to be the thing on WHF . . . one has been at the wrong end of upgrade threads to many times (recently). Individuals wade in, seeming to take pleasure in put-downs, having never tried the item or tweak . . . 'trollitis' is rife it seems. I've not tried 'Stillpoints' and at the price . . . I would look for cheaper options first. However, the other side of the coin, I have been there, been amazed and made a living out of expensive hifi upgrades. One has seen highly respected reviewers have to admit to being won over with no scientific or practical explanation, it simply works! The words are, 'open mind' then 'open wallet' and duck when you tell the Misses how much :O . . . To the trolls, go and bother someone else with your negativity! . . .is there an element of envy in trollitis? CJSF
MakkaPakka said:Womaz said:but the girlfrirnd who is a lot younger heard a difference straight away. As did my daughter who is only 21 so hearing should be better 🙂
Textbook stuff. Well done.
cheeseboy said:Hope that makes sense?
MakkaPakka said:You are obviously very easily offended if you consider that to be an insult. If I wanted to insult you - which I don't - then I would have done so. There's nothing 'faceless' about anything I say on here - I've met several of the WHF staff and forum members and wouldn't post anything here I wouldn't say in front of any of them. I was acknowledging your very much expected wheeling out of the forum's most notorious cliche. So notorious is that cliche it crossed my mind you might even be saying it tongue-in-cheek.
pauln said:CJSF said:Upgrade knocking seems to be the thing on WHF . . . one has been at the wrong end of upgrade threads to many times (recently). Individuals wade in, seeming to take pleasure in put-downs, having never tried the item or tweak . . . 'trollitis' is rife it seems. I've not tried 'Stillpoints' and at the price . . . I would look for cheaper options first. However, the other side of the coin, I have been there, been amazed and made a living out of expensive hifi upgrades. One has seen highly respected reviewers have to admit to being won over with no scientific or practical explanation, it simply works! The words are, 'open mind' then 'open wallet' and duck when you tell the Misses how much :O . . . To the trolls, go and bother someone else with your negativity! . . .is there an element of envy in trollitis? CJSF
So if I don't agree with you I'm a troll?
Your comment above (bold) suggests that you're not entirely impartial?
davidvann said:hi womaz,if you go to youtube and type in rocky mountain audio fest and look for system set up it's got system with them using still points to show how to use them.it's got roy greogry and the guy who made the still points very intresting.sorry dont know to do a link ,thought it might intrest you cheers david
davidvann said:hi womaz hope that it worked,what was your thoughts onthe set up.cheers david