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hifikrazy said:
The fact of the matter is that you can't prove that his mind was playing tricks with his, his girlfriend's and his daughter's hearing. So any declarations of placebo is insulting to him.

The matter of fact is you can't prove it wasn't either. That's the point. We'are allowed our points of view.
hifikrazy said:
...And I don't buy their "I'm just trying to help him save some money" moral justification either.

I guess this is just the world we live in today where the most charming and harmless story or youtube video inevitably degenerates into a bigoted war of words in the comments section, just because some pathetic sods get a kick out of trying to act smart or witty.

You shouldn't assume that everyone is the same as you are. Some people do actually have good intentions.
pauln said:
hifikrazy said:
I guess this is just the world we live in today where the most charming and harmless story or youtube video inevitably degenerates into a bigoted war of words in the comments section, just because some pathetic sods get a kick out of trying to act smart or witty.

You shouldn't assume that everyone is the same as you are.

Sorry, just an unrelated rant after seeing all too often a nice touching human story degenerating into commenters using racial slurs against one another. Can never understand how things can go from nice to ugly in an instant.
cheeseboy said:
I can still never get my head around the fact that A and B in this picture are the same colour. I cut them out in photoshop and prove to my brain they are, but my eyes still see different, and I'm actually more interested in why the brain does it, rather than anything else. I think that's probably why people in both camps get their nickers in a twist, as on the one hand we can prove they are the same, but on the other we can't see they are the same. Hope that makes sense?


They are the same colour. Both are grey. This is not an illusion really. We see this kind of thing everyday and compensate for the light and shade.

It's why a sunspot appears black on the disc of the sun but, in isolation, would be the second brightest thing in the sky.

When drawing and painting as small children, most us were probably very literal about colours and the results all looked very 'painting by numbers' with no shading or perspective and no realisation (despite seeing it) that refective surfaces like varnished tables or car bodywork were capable of reflecting a multitude of the other colours around them.

The artist will see all this and see how it all changes from moment-to-moment. He or she will never see the same white car (for instance) that we all see. They'll see all the colours and shades and reflections and distortions. The same with a waxed or varnished wooden table. A small child will think wood = brown, table = brown and draw the table as a uniform brown. They won't pick out all the other colours reflectling from it's surfaces.

A competent artist (or even a photographer with a spot-meter) will have noted that squares a and b were the same shade of grey (the artist will see it on the palette and the photographer on his spot metered readings). It's not really a trick. It's not representing something impossible in real-life.
hi all i have still points in my system for quite some time when i tryed them i never had it in my mind they will work/they wont work i'd never even heard of them like the o/p i was willing to give them a go,i have tryed many things to isolate my system and vibration as we all know isolation is very inportant part in are home cinema/hifi so all i say to those who disblive see if you can borrow some and the come back and post ,no one has the right to knock anyone trying to inprove there system whether or not you belive if it makes a diffrence.all i say is give them a go and you never know ,it might work for you like it has for the o/p.cheers david
Upgrade knocking seems to be the thing on WHF . . . one has been at the wrong end of upgrade threads to many times (recently).

Individuals wade in, seeming to take pleasure in put-downs, having never tried the item or tweak . . . 'trollitis' is rife it seems.

I've not tried 'Stillpoints' and at the price . . . I would look for cheaper options first. However, the other side of the coin, I have been there, been amazed and made a living out of expensive hifi upgrades. One has seen highly respected reviewers have to admit to being won over with no scientific or practical explanation, it simply works!

The words are, 'open mind' then 'open wallet' and duck when you tell the Misses how much :O . . .

To the trolls, go and bother someone else with your negativity! . . .is there an element of envy in trollitis?

CJSF said:
Upgrade knocking seems to be the thing on WHF . . . one has been at the wrong end of upgrade threads to many times (recently). Individuals wade in, seeming to take pleasure in put-downs, having never tried the item or tweak . . . 'trollitis' is rife it seems. I've not tried 'Stillpoints' and at the price . . . I would look for cheaper options first. However, the other side of the coin, I have been there, been amazed and made a living out of expensive hifi upgrades. One has seen highly respected reviewers have to admit to being won over with no scientific or practical explanation, it simply works! The words are, 'open mind' then 'open wallet' and duck when you tell the Misses how much :O . . . To the trolls, go and bother someone else with your negativity! . . .is there an element of envy in trollitis? CJSF

So if I don't agree with you I'm a troll?

Your comment above (bold) suggests that you're not entirely impartial?
MakkaPakka said:
Womaz said:
but the girlfrirnd who is a lot younger heard a difference straight away. As did my daughter who is only 21 so hearing should be better 🙂

Textbook stuff. Well done.

This is the only message I found insulting. Very condescending.

To be honest I just ignored it. I dont mind people passing their opinions because that is why I posted on the forum, but thats not an opinion, its just an insult really. Its the internet I am afraid. Its faceless and too easy to troll people without ever having to face them and look them in the eye.

Anyway its no big deal.

The messages have been very helpful and I have learnt a lot from them. The bottom line is there was a difference in sound. It might not be better but i preferred it. Thats all that matters really.

I spent £400, which is nothing if out in perspective. its my hi fi. Music and football are my two passions and I have had a season ticket at NUFC for 32 that is possibly a waste of money 🙂

Thanks for all the feedback.
cheeseboy said:
Hope that makes sense?

Your reply not only made sense, but was knowledgeable, respectful and based on experience of the topic (though not directly of Stillpoints)......if all the sceptics explained themselves as eloquently, I think there would be much less cause for argument.

Saying all that, I think there is more than placebo going on in this case. 😛 😉
You are obviously very easily offended if you consider that to be an insult. If I wanted to insult you - which I don't - then I would have done so. There's nothing 'faceless' about anything I say on here - I've met several of the WHF staff and forum members and wouldn't post anything here I wouldn't say in front of any of them. I was acknowledging your very much expected wheeling out of the forum's most notorious cliche. So notorious is that cliche it crossed my mind you might even be saying it tongue-in-cheek.
MakkaPakka said:
You are obviously very easily offended if you consider that to be an insult. If I wanted to insult you - which I don't - then I would have done so. There's nothing 'faceless' about anything I say on here - I've met several of the WHF staff and forum members and wouldn't post anything here I wouldn't say in front of any of them. I was acknowledging your very much expected wheeling out of the forum's most notorious cliche. So notorious is that cliche it crossed my mind you might even be saying it tongue-in-cheek.

i said insulting, nowhere did I say you had offended me. Not going to get involved in a slagging match as It's no big deal. Like I said above
pauln said:
CJSF said:
Upgrade knocking seems to be the thing on WHF . . . one has been at the wrong end of upgrade threads to many times (recently). Individuals wade in, seeming to take pleasure in put-downs, having never tried the item or tweak . . . 'trollitis' is rife it seems. I've not tried 'Stillpoints' and at the price . . . I would look for cheaper options first. However, the other side of the coin, I have been there, been amazed and made a living out of expensive hifi upgrades. One has seen highly respected reviewers have to admit to being won over with no scientific or practical explanation, it simply works! The words are, 'open mind' then 'open wallet' and duck when you tell the Misses how much :O . . . To the trolls, go and bother someone else with your negativity! . . .is there an element of envy in trollitis? CJSF

So if I don't agree with you I'm a troll?

Your comment above (bold) suggests that you're not entirely impartial?

Trolls know who they are . . . so if the cap fits? :?

You dont have to agree with me, as I say, I have an open mind, but dont expect me to agree with you either.

" . . . not entirely impartial"? . . . Not quite sure which side of the fence you are implying I sit? . . . Again, I have an open mind as you have noted, so I like to think, if it works for you, go for it, 'bank manager and swmbo' permitting. Personally, I can and have fond other ways around the isolation problems that are so often part and parcel of our hifi hobby, many years of sideways thinking experience helps 😉

hi womaz,if you go to youtube and type in rocky mountain audio fest and look for system set up it's got system with them using still points to show how to use's got roy greogry and the guy who made the still points very intresting.sorry dont know to do a link ,thought it might intrest you cheers david
davidvann said:
hi womaz,if you go to youtube and type in rocky mountain audio fest and look for system set up it's got system with them using still points to show how to use's got roy greogry and the guy who made the still points very intresting.sorry dont know to do a link ,thought it might intrest you cheers david

Thanks for this. i have tried to find it but I am struggling, can you give me the exact title please as it would be great to have a look
davidvann said:
hi womaz hope that it worked,what was your thoughts onthe set up.cheers david

Well it was a long vid to watch thats for sure. fascinating stuff really. My dealer said place them under the heavy bit of the amp as this is where the energy and vibration comes from, so he was on the right lines.

The vid was certainly informative though I am not sure I would go to those lengths every time. My stillpoints work though so definitely no regrets.

Makes me want to experoiment with lifting my power socket off the floor with some wooden blocks

I am joking......I think.

Thanks for posting the link
to have a set up like that i think it would have bank robbery job lol thats just for the stillpoints,i have the old stillpoints and i still think they were a good buy ,the wife watch most of that video but gave she gave up half way threw ,i dont think she liked that roy gregory to much i think she said she wanted to ***** slap him she said lol.some of it made a lot of sence my dealer at rayleigh hifi stock the new ones ,will see if they would let me try them to see if there an inprovement over the ones i have.good luck david
I watched that before and I share your wife's sentiments about wanting to punch/slap that obnoxious guy. But one good learning from the video was that I moved my Nordost Quasar Points from the traditional place most people will usually put footers first (under the CD player) to under my Power Distributor and it really yielded much more improvement under there.
hi hifi krazy,i did the same i used rdc 4 cones and put them under my block i also thought it made an inprovement ,i have tryed another company called toac feet there under my power amp,i have had them for quite some time,but not tryed the stillpoint there yet to see if they brought about a better performance,i not tryed the nordost point have you tryed the stillpoints,or did u find the nordost ones better.thanks david
davidvann, I have not tried Stillpoints but to me they fall under the same type ie. those using a ball bearing connector of some sort eg. Stillpoints, Finite Elemente Ceraballs, Nordost Quasar Points, Nordost Sort Kones. The other two general types are cones and soft squishy feet (for lack of a better word).

Nordost Quasar Points are no longer in production as they have been replaced by Sort Kones which have moved up in price. But I think they are still lower priced than Stillpoints in particular the Sort Kone AC model which I think is the sweet spot in the range. I wish to try a set but held back so far because I'm a bit put off by their tall height.
:dance: I have got a variety of the old style ceramic ball Stillpoints ( some with risers and footers and some flying solo) under all the components of my system. I also have a variety of cheaper isolation devices such as Nordost pulsar points, sorbothane pods and cones with ball bearings on. My speakers have spikes, my rack has spikes.

The stillpoints work really well in my system and they work better with the risers added and they work better still with the inverse risers also added. I have added extra sets as funds allow. What do they do? They clear up the sound and allow me to hear more detail in the mix. Bass is clearer and less boomy. TV picture is sharper and colours improved. They present an improvement under each part of the system. I have been surprised at what they have worked under - they have even improved the presentation of sound when used under my Isotek Titan power supply. this came with rdc cones, experimenting I then tried pulsar points which offered a incremental improvement. I didn't think it would get any better when I tried Stillpoints , but it did. Under my speakers (suspended timber floor) on 6 tiers of foamy things, granite Stillpoints and finally 25mm plywood they made a significant uplift in clarity. I do every now and then take away the stillpoints and have another long listen, but I always put them back as I miss what they do. Bluray player, pre amp, lap top, TV media box, power amp, av receiver, CD player, power supplies, etc all perform better. It would be great if the cheaper options worked as well, but they simply don't.

the best thing about Stillpoints is if and when I no longer enjoy their "contribution" to my enjoyment of the music coming out of my speakers I can probably sell them for as much as I paid for them. Why don't they come up used on eBay too often - because they work and people want to keep them, those that have got them want more of them as their system grows so they are always in demand.

Interestingly enough and for me the best thing is that they also make the system sound less hifi - foot tapping is now an essential part of any listening.