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S*** This thread makes me want to scream.

Whf, I had to edit this post I thought the filter would sort it.
richardw42 said:
S*** This thread makes me want to scream.

Whf, I had to edit this post I thought the filter would sort it.

Why? Explain please or is that not wise 🙂
1. I have my doubts they would work to any signicant degree.

2. I'm sure any local engineering firm would knock some up at a fraction of the price.
richardw42 said:
S*** This thread makes me want to scream.

I sort of feel the same. It's depressing that people will mess about with silly tweaks which must be about 8000% profit for the maker when there's so many meaningful things you can do within this hobby. Before spending hundreds of pounds on some 'final' tweak, have you got a system that measures within a few db across the frequency range ensuring the optimum speaker and seating positions? I spent hours and hours on my system measuring and tweaking yet others ignore what's important and just line the pockets or someone selling 50p worth of stainless steel in a fancy packet. If this product actually worked you could simply make a before and after recording to prove it but that will never happen of course - for some magic reason its effects cannot possibly be recorded. Not all directed at the OP - I don't know what his setup is actually like but it's indicative of 'audophiles' in general and why they're laughed at.
Womaz said:
CnoEvil said:
I agree with David (and BigH).......these things should start under the Source and then work towards the speakers.

problem em is I have two sources and def not paying out for 2 lots of these 🙂

I am also just following what my dealer said ........thanks for the input though

According to this, it looks like your dealer is on the right track:

"After the AC supply, your order of application should simply follow the potential energy in the system: power amps, external power supplies, preamp, source components -- in that order. "
hi womaz,dont forget to let us know how yoy got on with the stillpoints,would like to hear what you thought of them.cheers david
CnoEvil said:
Womaz said:
CnoEvil said:
I agree with David (and BigH).......these things should start under the Source and then work towards the speakers.

problem em is I have two sources and def not paying out for 2 lots of these 🙂

I am also just following what my dealer said ........thanks for the input though

According to this, it looks like your dealer is on the right track:

"After the AC supply, your order of application should simply follow the potential energy in the system: power amps, external power supplies, preamp, source components -- in that order. "

I also read that you should us ethem under the speakers first, think thats from Stillpoints too?
Well I certainly can't afford 8 pf these so the speakers is not an option.

Have not had much of a chance to listen to hi if this week so hpmh I vcan keep them over the weekend

i do think they make a difference but not so sure it's worth the outlay.

Time will tell
I wouldn't even consider spending so much on any kind of isolation, if I wouldn't home demo it against something much more convincingly engineered like Townshend Seismic Platform.
hi i have both in my system townshend seismic platform and stillpoints in my system,and out of the two the stillpoints bring out the best in isolation and seems bring out more of the music,the townshend are very good but i found better results with the stillpoints in my opinion.its a shame that they are so exspencive, when i bought my townshend platform i belevive i payed £350, and the stillpoints were about the same.cheers david
Track Audio also make excellent isolation stands / platforms....very well engineered, but very expensive.
richardw42 said:
S*** This thread makes me want to scream.

Me too.

The fact that some people spend that sort of money on a product like this is verging on obscene and the fact that some people actually believe the claims made about the product leaves me speechless.

Sorry if that upsets anyone but that's the way I feel about it.
pauln said:
richardw42 said:
S*** This thread makes me want to scream.

Me too.

The fact that some people spend that sort of money on a product like this is verging on obscene and the fact that some people actually believe the claims made about the product leaves me speechless.

Sorry if that upsets anyone but that's the way I feel about it.

It's funny because I have always made my own mind up about things 🙂
Most people as a first priority try to isolate their CD player with rubbery feet like vibrapods, sorbothane etc but unless you are jumping around on flexible floorboards while listening to your music, that is not the best impact you can get.

Stillpoints, Nordost Sort Kones etc are meant to couple the component to the rack so that vibrations are channelled away from the component. They recommend the first place to put them is under your power distributor (something which I tried and agree with), next on the power amp (under the power transformer where vibrations are produced), then preamp and then only the CD player. On the CD player, one should be placed directly under the CD transport, another under the power transformer and the third one to balance the CD player.

View the Sort Kone Instruction Guide here which is very descriptive on where to position them:
I believe the main purpose of sorbothane is to turn vibrations into heat.

I use 50mm wide focul pods under a couple of my turntables and my AV (used purely in stereo) receiver.

I have a set of cones under one of my TT's (Thorens).

I use Fisual isolation pads under my cyrus components.

Do they all work? - No idea but they are all relatively cheap, look good and are certainly no worse than what was under there originally 🙂

Ok as promised here is my update for what its worth.

First of all to the people who think it is obscene to spend this sort of cash on Isolation supports, I get the cynicism. I would never have beleived I would do this either. But in total my Hifi is worth 10k adding up the cost of the components and cables etc. So in relative terms is £400 a lot if it improves the sound.

My system is only 2 years old and I feel that to upgrade the SQ now would cost substantial amounts of cash. Say 3to 4k for new speakers or a new amp. I have no intention of doing that. So at £400 if this "tweak" makes a difference then I think it represents value. My system is decent but is by no means high end, so I wonder what it could do for those with a high end system.

I am no hi fi buff so apologise if this update is not well described or very technical. I am just a music lover.

I think my system gives a detailed sound in the first place, but this was improved with the Stillpoints. The voices especially were much clearer, and could be heard better in loud passages of music.

There was alos a much tighter bass, so the bass did not drown out the rest of the music.

It is not a "night and day" difference i admit. At first listen I could not really hear a difference, but the girlfrirnd who is a lot younger heard a difference straight away. As did my daughter who is only 21 so hearing should be better 🙂

I left them in my system for over a week, and then took them away. it was then that I noticed the difference. The music sounded a little dull in comparison.

So they have been purchased and I think they are a "tweak" that is affordable and cost effective.
Womaz said:
but the girlfrirnd who is a lot younger heard a difference straight away. As did my daughter who is only 21 so hearing should be better 🙂

Textbook stuff. Well done.
Womaz said:
I left them in my system for over a week, and then took them away. it was then that I noticed the difference. The music sounded a little dull in comparison.

So they have been purchased and I think they are a "tweak" that is affordable and cost effective.

I'm glad you tried it and made your own assessment.

It is slightly bonkers that it has such a noticeable effect; which is why people who haven't heard it, will queue up to tell you are mistaken.
CnoEvil said:
Womaz said:
I left them in my system for over a week, and then took them away. it was then that I noticed the difference. The music sounded a little dull in comparison.

So they have been purchased and I think they are a "tweak" that is affordable and cost effective.

I'm glad you tried it and made your own assessment.

It is slightly bonkers that it has such a noticeable effect; which is why people who haven't heard it, will queue up to tell you are mistaken.

Yes it is bonkers and trust me I did not really want it to make a difference as it seems preposterous. It alos irks me that I pay 2.5k for an amp and that i can then improve it with such a simple tool.

I purposely did not read any reviews before I made up my mind. Once I was convinced there was a big enough improvement i did look for reviews etc. There are a lot of very positive reviews and have won various awards from a lot of sources.

Of course none of that matteres really, all that matters is I can hear the improvement and I think its worth the cash. i listen to music about 12-15 hours per week, so I dont think its a lot of cash in relative terms.

It does get you thinking though about other simple things that could improve things, however I am happy for now and will enjoy the music.
cheeseboy said:
Placebo....If a 10k system can sound better with a few bits of metal lobbed under t'amp.....

I'm always amused that people like these are never able to express their skepticism without the use of the words "snake oil" or "placebo"
hifikrazy said:
cheeseboy said:
Placebo....If a 10k system can sound better with a few bits of metal lobbed under t'amp.....

I'm always amused that people like these are never able to express their skepticism without the use of the words "snake oil" or "placebo"

So what words that have the same meaning would you suggest? I think that "snake oil" sums it up perfectly, albeit not literally.
hifikrazy said:
cheeseboy said:
Placebo....If a 10k system can sound better with a few bits of metal lobbed under t'amp.....

I'm always amused that people like these are never able to express their skepticism without the use of the words "snake oil" or "placebo"

you are aware about how strong the placebo effect is aren't you, or is it you that is skeptical of the placebo effect?

Either way as long as the op is enjoying music, it's all good. Doesn't mean that a good/expensive placebo can't enhance the experience.