Stereo amps still better than AVR for music?

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CnoEvil said:
Native_bon said:
I also give example that some less expensive two channel amps sounded better than some more expensive 2 channel amps.So all 2 channel amps may not necessarily sound better than all av amps at the same price
You have (IMO), one of the most musical AVRs at it's price of £2200....but it could be bettered for 2 channel by a Stereo amp of the same price (again in my opinion). I suspect the cheaper A39 would be an improvement, but I would need to hear a bake off to be sure.
I said some not all.*wink* Personally I dnt think all 2 Channel amps of same price sound better than my Av amp. Again presentation comes into play.
Native_bon said:
Personally I dnt think all 2 Channel amps of same price sound better than my Av amp. Again presentation comes into play. 
I don't disagree....I had the same thing with my own AVR600.

I am arguing however, that with the same budget, it's possible to get a better sound (ie. I'm not saying that every 2 channel amp sounds better than an an AVR at the same price).
CnoEvil said:
Native_bon said:
Personally I dnt think all 2 Channel amps of same price sound better than my Av amp. Again presentation comes into play.
I don't disagree....I had the same thing with my own AVR600.

I am arguing however, that with the same budget, it's possible to get a better sound (ie. I'm not saying that every 2 channel amp sounds better than an an AVR at the same price).
Got you.*biggrin*
Benedict_Arnold said:
davedotco said:

All of those extra high performance cables will have a cumulative effect on sound quality, the AVR will win hands down. When you factor in the obvious technical advantages of the AVR, such as the ability to produce 7 x 150 watts from a 500va power supply, the all round superiority of the AVR will be clear.

Since volts x amps = watts could you explain to me how an electronic device produces more power (7 x 175 watts = 1225 watts) when its power supply can only produce 500 watts? If you can, you've solved the World's energy crisis and put me and every other person in the oil industry out of work.

Moreover, where exactly do you intend cranking up your home stereo to the output of a decent disco PA? Middle of Dartmoor perhaps?

And finally, do you believe in quantity or quality.

You leave Dartmoor out of this, we get enough big bangs from the military. 🙂

And what's this about persons in the oil industry made redundant ? Don't even think about it sonny! ;-)
loneranger said:
Are stereo amps for music still a better choice than AVR? AVR has roomcorrection en many ways to correction the sound if it is too bright or too much bass. Stereo amps still doesn't execpt maybe the expensive Lyngdorf tdai 2170. Also in these days isn't a AVR a better choice for music?

I have both in my living room AVR and dedicated stereo amp. Many stereo amps from arcam, nad, raga, hegel and naim have come to live side by side with my marantz avr. One thing scores big point for the avr is low level listening. As everyone should know, the ear is not linear. I repeat: NOT LINEAR.

So a linear amp will sound thin in bass at low volume. My AVR solves that with dynamic equalizer. Low level listening is good on an avr! I often swapped over the years my speaker cables to the avr and always liked the tonal balance it can achieve with dynamic equalizer and room correction. But rising the volume it always deceived me, always. A lot of things happen with hifi, better imaging, more tonal richness, more details, less grain and coarsness. But I'm really comparing differently priced amps here. Avr offer great value for money. You can have an avr with pre out so you can buy a great power amp later and upgrade both your cinema and music experience.
the trouble is no one has said what price level av amp that sounds as good as stereo amp if you say £2000 for a av amp then yes maybe it would be just as good as a stereo amp but if your talking budget av then i would say the stereo amp would win any day
While I think you can listen to music with an AVR quite good nowadays I have experienced that a dedicated Stereo-system sound often "better" if you can set up properly.This more the better speakers you have which can reveal the shortcomings of the system.As always system synergy is important,there is no doubt an "matched" AVR system can sound more balanced and "better" than a Stereo system which is not.In difficult rooms where you can not set up your system as required AVR have advantages because room correction and a balanced sound outweigh by far differences in amps in such scenario imo..An other nice way to combine both worlds is to send a corrected signal to your dedicated Stereo System if the correction does not need to emphase some frequency band and correction is limited to max. -2db in the bands except for bass.Best way of course is not to compromise the sound in any way which depends to the room and the synergy with the speakers.No rule without exception,in that ideal scenario a dedicated Stereo system should sound "better" than an AVR-System at comparable price.
Looks like my legion of groupies is growing......

You guys scared of just giving your own opinion now?

Why you all calling my name when I have not contributed to a thread, this is the 2nd thread I've seen this now.

Grow up boys - give your opinion, argue your reasoning or move on.
AVamps are far more capable than many a stereo amp die hard will admit.

My own AVamp the Yamaha ax-620 is a 5x90watt/p/c veteran.

Measured it delivered near 70watts to each channel with sub driven....apparently.

Now remove the unused channels for stereo use and you have a reasonable psu driving a stereo set up. 2x90watts with 180watts headroom?

Now Im not suggesting its the best sounding amp ever but for its price it's more than competent and more than holds its own amongst the £700ish stereo amp category.

(it also sounds better than a Yamaha ra-1020 a £1000 receiver, in stereo)

Frankly I think it's more a Monday morning v Friday afternoon thing were amps are concerned.

No guarantees just pays you money and takes what you get.
We have all agreed that you should say a code before you talk on the forum. I'm not sure which one The Commission picked as adequate. 🙂
Vladimir said:
We have all agreed that you should say a code before you talk on the forum. I'm not sure which one The Commission picked as adequate. 🙂

Vlad I'm not laughing.

If I attempted to address this type of bullying this would get ugly.

Here you have the option to see it's recognised and so decide if to cut it out or persist with it.

You argue your case or move on - I'll show you that courtesy I'd hope you all do the same.
Just a tongue in cheek comment mate. *drinks*

Firstly, lots of AVRs are hooked up to speakers that aren't ideal for music. To consider properly, you need to make sure the FR and FL are decent music speakers and of course it's much more expensive to get 5 plus 1 speaker of the same quality as a simple pair.

Secondly, comparing AVRs and amps of the same price favours AVRs because the mainstream manufacturers change their range every year, so last year's (or more accurately, earlier this years) is anything up to half price in a way that hifi doesn't as much.

5 years ago, if I could only have a hifi or AVR it would have been hifi. Now it would be AVR. Obviously, best to have both.

Happy Christmas all.


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