Question: Soundbar vs AVR - advice for a small room


Active member
Oct 22, 2024

I would appreciate some views about my (nice) problem to have...

I do have a small room , with a small TV (likely 10 years old), which is still using the built in speakers. not sure about the exact dimensions of the room, but it is small, likely 2,5m by 2,5m (educate guess).
I am about to replace the TV with something new and want to build some "better/proper" sound setup to go along.

the primary use will be to watch netflix/amazon/disney/etc. but it will also be used to listen some music (sometimes youtube music, sometimes tidal).

I am wondering what would be the best option on this case. I was thinking on something like a 5.1 wharfedele system (either a DX-3 or a Diamond 12.1) with likely a Denon AVR to match the speakers, or alternatively a Sonos Arc sound bar.

I am pretty sure that any of the above will be much better than a 10 years old TV with built in speakers, but I am not sure if the Diamond 12.1 would be an overkill for such small room? if it is, would the next best option be the DX-3 or the soundbar?

Would be keen to listen to people views/experiences.

I have yet to hear a soundbar that can replicate what a 'true' surround set-up can achieve.

Have you heard a (let's call it) proper surround set-up?

Whilst I'm sure the Arc is fine I think the Denon/Wharefdale combo will be far better.

I would not be too concerned a out the size of the room as the auto-set up will take care of that. I have used surround in similar (and smaller) spaces and it still sounds great.
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I have yet to hear a soundbar that can replicate what a 'true' surround set-up can achieve.

Have you heard a (let's call it) proper surround set-up?

Whilst I'm sure the Arc is fine I think the Denon/Wharefdale combo will be far better.

I would not be too concerned a out the size of the room as the auto-set up will take care of that. I have used surround in similar (and smaller) spaces and it still sounds great.
thanks! that is helpful!

I used to have a half decent sound system like .... 20 years ago... then got married, moved house, kids, etc, etc, etc.
just felt the need to look at it again and got myself thinking on the soundbar question, as i am also sure a shedload of stuff changed over the past 20 years, hence my lack of current perception of up to date systems and performances.
Soundbars require clear walls and ceiling to get the best effect, plus with minimal set up can give a great sound and effect, (Hence probably 99% of consumers go for them) however, for the 1% that are really into home cinema (It really is a niche market) then separates will always be the way to go.
If music rather than movies is the main use, then get a decent soundbar for movies and a separates Hi-Fi system for music.

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Would highly recommend a Soundbar - either the Arc you mention, or perhaps the newer Arc Ultra depending on budget. In fact, in a room that size, I'd suggest even the smaller Sonos Beam 2 would do a job. As you can see from my signature, I've run various Sonos products and am happy with them all.

Alternative, in my view, would be a 2(.1) set up using something along the lines of a Wiim Amp or if budget allows, Lyngdorf or the like.

Net net, compared to the 10 year old tv, anything now should sound dramatically superior.
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Ok im guessing you are not going see this as you seem to have made your mind up.

But ill put a very pragmatic point of view foward.

2.5meters squared is a very very small space to place 5-7 Diamond 12.1 and a subwoofer, small boxes they are not! Not saying you can't put a surround system in a space that small (ive done it) but im guess you'll also have, shall we say, life's pleasures in that space as well. Which will mean you and probably will struggle to place the speakers of a traditional system ideally. Many can't place 2 channel speakers correctly, weather that be dictated by the room or by a significant other. Then you have the cable vomit that you have to "hide"/deal with.

Messiah is correct, "I have yet to hear a sound bar sound better" BUT make no mistake get the right sound bar and its not fair behind. Think Sennheisers Amebo range of bars. They have smaller ones now.

In you situation its not going to be all about sound, the very fact your asking the question means your concerned. As ever with everything its a compromise.

There are a few options you could look at that will probably suit better IMO.

2.1 channel setup, a nice amp with an HDMI Marantz do some nice options or some kef ls50 wireless type designs. Make no mistake this can give a very good holographic sound when setup right. Many haven't heard this due to living arrangements but it can make you question the need for 5.1/7.1 or atoms in the home environment setup correctly.

Sony do a 5.1-HT-A9m2 system where the speakers can be pretty much placed anywhere all very cleaver stuff and probably a sign of things to come industry wide.

Sound bar like the ARC/ultra/beam, sennheisers Amebo range would be the only ones I look at.

lastly a proper surround with small surrounds like the Dali fazon sat speakers for example. And in your space really wouldn't go much bigger than this. down side with this is you'll probably have to channel the cables into the wall.

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As another option. My son has a Denon AVR and a Monitor Audio Mass 5.1 speaker system from Richer Sounds, in his attic bedroom. The attic was split in half to make two bedrooms so his side is probably 2.5 by 4 meters. Being used to stand mounted book shelf speakers and wall mounted bipole rears, for my AV set up, I was pleasantly surprised how good the 5 little satellite speakers and bass module sound together.
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Thanks to all for the responses. it is much appreciated!

I havent bought anything yet, in fact I just got a message from RicherSounds about upcoming "Black Friday Month", will be visiting them next week.

Adding more clarity on my room... it is a L shaped large room, where the small part of the L is 2.5m by 2.5m ish.
So this means I dont have "a left wall".

that Sony system sounds very nice. I havent seen something like that before, I will dig a bit further on that too!

I am not super concerned about the cables. the room have a setup that I could run them over the celling and should be fine (famous last words), although I would not have a problem with wireless either (I just thought they would be a bit worst/lower quality).

any further ideas/recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks to all for the responses. it is much appreciated!

I havent bought anything yet, in fact I just got a message from RicherSounds about upcoming "Black Friday Month", will be visiting them next week.

Adding more clarity on my room... it is a L shaped large room, where the small part of the L is 2.5m by 2.5m ish.
So this means I dont have "a left wall".

that Sony system sounds very nice. I havent seen something like that before, I will dig a bit further on that too!

I am not super concerned about the cables. the room have a setup that I could run them over the celling and should be fine (famous last words), although I would not have a problem with wireless either (I just thought they would be a bit worst/lower quality).

any further ideas/recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
I might add the Sony system will require the purchase of there subwoofer, for the life of me I don’t know why they don’t include it in the pack.

Seems to get very good reviews though
I bought the kit in the end....
Final shopping list....
  • SVS SB-1000 Sub
  • 4x Minx12 --> for rear speakers and ceiling speakers
  • Dali Oberon 1 for Left and Right - people could swear they can go with back in the wall
  • Dali Oberon Vokal for Centre - hoping this is a good one
  • Denon X1800 - i was almost buying the x2800 but i couldnt find any feature I would need
  • Philips 55 PML9009 - very curious about the ambilight and it has a 100 days no fuss return, jsut in case i dont like it (or something fancy should up at a very discounted price)
now waiting to get the kit delivered... lets see how it goes...

thank you again for all the help... if i manage to do a half decent install job i will be happy to share pics.
I will categorically say that for your small room 2.5m x 2.5m, those discouraging you to get a soundbar are talking absolute nonsense.

A soundbar like the Sonos Beam with its matching Sub Mini is going to be convenient, fuss free and great sounding.

You don't have to do Sonos either, the Samsung Q800D will also be great, with all the connectivity you want like Spotify and Tidal Connect etc.
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The best for you depends upon your hearing, your budget and your choice.

A soundbar is likely to be cheaper than an AV and 5 passive speakers plus sub-woofer but I don't know what is around second hand. A sound bar with sub and rears better still. But these are not the only choices.

Instead of a TV I set up a computer (got one from the tip for free) with a Freesat card inside. output to a 1080p screen, I got two pairs of powered speakers and re-configured the sound card analogue output for surround. This used the screen for centre (could do better but cost and space). It does fairly well and under £200 for the speakers. In stereo I have a separation of left and right in the 2.5x2.5 m room and have that immersion for movies and TV in 6 channel.

I prefer separating centre for dialogue from front speakers as in many films I have watched I find the music to over whelm the dialogue and usually this can be solved by simply lowering the volume on the front speakers. A full AV receiver with all the bells and whistles no doubt does the same but turning down the dial for one movie is no problem.

Instead of the motherboard sound card you can use a USB sound card (around £120) for 6 to 8 channels or a HDMI audio splitter (around £200) from the graphics card for 8 channel analogue output into an AV amp or to active speakers. using the computer for volume control. Lots of powered speakers around like the Kanto range or Adams Audio active studio monitors which are among the cheapest active speakers (T5V and T7V).

Edit: just seen you have purchased already. Dali also make active wireless speakers removing the need for an amplifier or AV or signal wires around the room. They have on wall, stand mount and floor standing speakers .
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took me a few days to get it sorted, but i got it installed. pics attached.
please note that the sofa is now gone, i have the blinds re-installed and also the lamp shade...
but the AV/speakers/TV are now installed where they are supposed to be for a while...

thanks again for all the advice.


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took me a few days to get it sorted, but i got it installed. pics attached.
please note that the sofa is now gone, i have the blinds re-installed and also the lamp shade...
but the AV/speakers/TV are now installed where they are supposed to be for a while...

thanks again for all the advice.
I have that amp, and the Minx 12’s for surrounds/rear surrounds. How do they sound in height mode?

Have the 22’s at front L/R, and just swapped the centre 22 for a Cambridge Audio SX70.
Looks great!

How does it sound? Are you happy with it?

(Personally I would move the left/right speakers forward so they are away from the wall).
I am very happy with it... just struggling to make the firetv to turn on the tv, so i could use a single remote, but other than that, it is working fine! (funny enough, the firetv do power the TV OFF, but not ON.

i need to move L/R it away from the wall and test it. the manual says it can be back against the wall, and they even have a small rubber spacer to "get the distance right". anyway... will move it forward a bit and hear how it sounds...

thanks again for the advice during the process... very happy with the outcome.
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I have that amp, and the Minx 12’s for surrounds/rear surrounds. How do they sound in height mode?

Have the 22’s at front L/R, and just swapped the centre 22 for a Cambridge Audio SX70.
it is hard for me to compare against something else as they are my first height speakers, what i can definately tell it is that it work and i am happy with it. took me a while to run the cables, but once it was done, the results are quite nice.
also, after the first couple days, i dont even (visually) notice the speakers on the celing anymore.


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