standmounts for under 400 pounds


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I need a new pair of moniters for my musical fidelity xa1 amp/arcam r-dock set up, will be adding a new cdp soon, i live in a small loft room and space is tight, i was thinking that the new b&Ws 685 might be a good bet, i havent been for a demo yet, there are a few other models from moniter audio,quad and mordaunt short at this price range, too much choice! any pre-demo advice welcome..
AVI Neutron V. They're small but perfectly formed. The 685s would probably be better all rounders.
The Quads are stunning and, in my opinion, significantly better speakers than the 685s. However, its a very personal thing and many people would say the opposite.

I'm afraid the only way with speakers is to audition them with your own kit and music and, preferably, in your own room.
Good call Matt. Lintone Audio have a pair of ex-demo Cherry Quad 11L2s for £150 starting bid. I think there's a bargain to be had here.

(If you were to bid for them let us know and I'll delete this post
thanks igglebert, i dont know to much about the avi's ill have a google and see what i can find, my gut feeling is a pair of moniter audio rs1's, small, fast and easy to drive should be ideal for my xa1, i really wish i didnt sell my x-ray cdp and xa50 power amps, mf are now offering an upgrade service on prouducts past and present, a year to late! doh..
igglebert:AVI Neutron V. They're small but perfectly formed. The 685s would probably be better all rounders.

Agree with all of that. Think the 685s will give more bass, if that's your thing, but the OP's use of the word 'monitors' might take him down the Neutron route. I can vouch for them (as I sit and listen to them now).

Oh and they look gorgeous (not that that matters

Worth a listen to the Dali Lektor 1 and 2 though, which are getting fabulous reviews for much less money. Must let me listen to them Simon...
I would have recommended Quads as well but if space is tight they might not be such a good idea. They need lots of room to breathe.
i will demo the quads soon, as with all things hi-fi its a matter of taste and a good set of lug holes, cheers for the reply.
igglebert:Good call Matt. Lintone Audio have a pair of ex-demo Cherry Quad 11L2s for £150 starting bid. I think there's a bargain to be had here.

(If you were to bid for them let us know and I'll delete this post
)Pair for £160 here.


Sorry, seems the powers that be don't want you visiting that site.
I don't know, hence my hint to Simon to let me hear them. I could bring in my Neutrons (which I can say are good) and say definitively which is better!

Always try to hear both on your system though, and preferably in your house...
thanks for the feedback chaps, have any of you had a listen to mordaunt short mezzo 2's ? richer sounds have just put the price down from 450 to 280 pounds, a nice little saveing..
jimm:john, are the dalis really that good?

A review in another magazine suggested that they have many good qualities but that they lack presence in the mid-band. As always, auditioning would be essential.


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