Stand recommendation for B&W 705 S2


Dec 13, 2021
I'm looking to buy a speaker stand for my B&W 705 S2 in White. Their dimensions are 20x30cm, weighing in at 9.3kg.

Since I stand up a lot while listening to music the ideal stand is likely 75-100cm tall - do you agree?
The stands will stand on a sensitive wood floor which has thick concrete below, making vibrations very easily travel to my old neighbour.

The main focus is a stand that will make the speakers sound good, but ideally also look good.

I've been browsing and come across the Atacama Moseco, but they are supposed to only handle up to 7.5kg. Kanto 32 seems ok, but maybe too cheap.
Also been looking at Norstone Stylum 3 and Custom Design RS-200 but neither really grabbed me. Audiochic looked very good but kinda overpriced.

Ideally a recommendation for spikes that go well with the wood floor too, been looking at Soundcare Superspike as an option.

Any and all help from you fine folks is greatly appreciated,
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I'm looking to buy a speaker stand for my B&W 705 S2 in White. Their dimensions are 20x30cm, weighing in at 9.3kg.

Since I stand up a lot while listening to music the ideal stand is likely 75-100cm tall - do you agree?
The stands will stand on a sensitive wood floor which has thick concrete below, making vibrations very easily travel to my old neighbour.

The main focus is a stand that will make the speakers sound good, but ideally also look good.

I've been browsing and come across the Atacama Moseco, but they are supposed to only handle up to 7.5kg. Kanto 32 seems ok, but maybe too cheap.
Also been looking at Norstone Stylum 3 and Custom Design RS-200 but neither really grabbed me. Audiochic looked very good but kinda overpriced.

Ideally a recommendation for spikes that go well with the wood floor too, been looking at Soundcare Superspike as an option.

Any and all help from you fine folks is greatly appreciated,
Hi. I have some Atacama Nexus 100 cm stands for my rear surrounds. They used to be available in white but you may need to shop around.....
As for the wooden floor, you can buy aluminium spike 'protectors' very cheaply on Amazon or use Iso-Acoustics isolators...
I have white Kanto 32’s (80cm) in my office due to the higher seated position. Ideally needed 90cm, to get the tweeter to ear level, but that doesn’t seem to be a common option. Not bad but the top plates on both wobble a tiny amount. There’s only one bolt that attaches the top plate so I’d need to file down part of the vertical section to fix that. They do the job but my main requirements were the colour and more height over the typical 60cm. Probably wouldn’t recommend them for critical listening.

Depending on your height I’d have thought even 1m isn’t enough based on the general ideal of having the tweeter at ear height. Depends if your speakers work well off axis I guess. There are adjustable options but they tend to look quite flimsy.
There are many great stands and remember that is all they are , the speakers are the focus so don't forget to fill hollow steel stands to give them mass , B&W do their stav stands and remember spikes will trash a wood floor , other makes , Atacama , hifi racks etc . most brands make stands to match their speakers , shop around until you get what you like .
There are many great stands and remember that is all they are , the speakers are the focus so don't forget to fill hollow steel stands to give them mass , B&W do their stav stands and remember spikes will trash a wood floor , other makes , Atacama , hifi racks etc . most brands make stands to match their speakers , shop around until you get what you like .
this was posted well over a year ago. Please stop digging up old threads.