JoelSim:Where can I get TalkSport and other radio stations
For BBC stations look on the BBC where they have always been....
And very good it sounds too being AAC. No 'players' like iTunes or WMP required. BBC iPlayer has it's own platform that works on PC or Mac alike.
Talksport is here....
Talksport is on Freeview radio too (and Skybox or whatever else you use for TV) so just run an optical cable to a spare input on your DAC if you think it merits it. (Does something called 'TalkSport' actually deserve this degree of effort for audio quality? Why not just play it on your TV?)
For other internet radio stations just open your iTunes and click on 'radio' (on the left hand side under 'library'.)
JoelSim: I'm on a Mac so Windows Media Players don't work
Here you go....
All free.
Of course a strong FM stereo radio signal through a roof mounted FM aerial - and something like a £10 Denon tuner from ebay - will slay internet radio or DAB or Freeview for quality so long as your favourite stations are provided in your area.
[Edit] Just noticed you have an Arcam T61 so forget the £10 Denon. Hopefully you have a good FM roof aerial and hopefully you signed the
No. 10 petition against FM 'switch off'
Radio reception is rubbish where I live at the moment and it's quite nice to listen to the radio sometimes especially on my second set of speakers in the kitchen on a Sunday, or if football is on. And invariably the TV is being watched, or Peppa Pig on DVD at least! Hence why I'm really interested in decent quality radio.
If we were planning on staying there we would get a roof aerial, but we're not.
I tried streaming off Talksport last night and it said I didn;t have the programme to do this, hence my request.