Spotify, increasingly disappointed


Well-known member
Mar 11, 2005
I'm constantly getting sync issues on all of my devices, this evening perhaps the final straw. I have Premium and have had for around 4 years now; and have synced files on a Laptop (home hi fi) a phone and a tablet. This evening I've been listeining to the web player version on my work laptop, I closed the browser, opened up spotify on my tablet whereupon a message popped up advising me i can only sync to 3 devices and therefore all the files on my tablet will be erased. And they were, all 2300 or so of them ffs. Since when did the web player count as synced offline files???? I've lost count now of the number of times I've been advised to reboot my device simply to overcome a memory full (it wasn't) issue.

Tidal cannot be worse surely? Maybe the future isn't on-line libraries after all...
I feel your pain. I've heard of users having similar issues and it's not good. Generally I've been lucky, I set up playlists and albums via the Mac desktop app and they seem to always appear on my mobile app just fine. Though my fortitude is probably brought about because I don't push my luck: other than play existing playlists and albums, the most I ever do on the iOS app is search for odd tracks and albums, so it never has to sync anything very much.
What's worse is that it unsynced all files on all three devices, so I've had to reload all of the off line tracks onto a tablet and a phone. I'll not bother with my home laptop, as I've got stupidly fast broadband so I don't need to have them saved locally any longer.


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