Spendor A6, ATC SCM40, KEF XQ40 & Neat Motive 1


New member
Jun 2, 2010
Hi there,

I need some help in finding out what the basic differences between these speakers are. I have heard both the ATC and KEF speakers in different systems, but didn't have a chance to listen to the Spendors nor the Neats.

First of all: I absolutely loved the ATCs and if they were distributed here in Brazil I'd buy them in a heart beat. I've tried to bring them here myself, but it's a risky and costly business to import to Brazil (our taxes are staggering 60% plus).

What I'm looking for is to find something that is as close as possible to the ATCs. I especially loved the beautifully clear and transparent midrange which the ATCs were capable of.

My options are reduced to the Spendors A6 which seem to have a fair price, the KEF XQ40s, which seemed to be a great allrounder when paired with more 'musical' electronics and the Neat Motive 1, which would be the more costly of the bunch. For about the same price I can get a Thiel 1.6. If anyone knows these speakers please help me out, since I won't be able to do any home demo, except for the Thiels.

My living-room is 5.5M x 7M, granite floor, no curtains and only a pair of sofas and puffs. Half of this space is used for the hi-fi. At the moment my electronics are: SB Touch>Camelot Uther 2 Mk4>Gryphon Tabu 2/100.

I need a neutral and balanced allrounder since I sometimes also use my system as a refence for evaluating studio mixes and masters. I'm extremely fussy about soundstage and imaging, but also timbre and 'air'. I think that I had that with the SCM40s, just so you know where I'm coming from.

thanks in advance

best regards

All these speakers sound different. Some will like certain ones, some won't. Obviously many people's choice will come down to system synergy. They're all good speakers in their own right, all with owners on these forums, and all are happy. I'll run through a few quick differences.

The Motives are quite a sweet sounding speaker, nice and warm, delicate, detailed, but I wouldn't say they'd be up to that size room if you like studio levels. Along with the A6's, I'd say they're the most coloured of the group.

The A6's will suit larger rooms than the Motives, and produce a smoother, more balanced sound as well. Speaker placement is also easier than the Motives too. Many of the Spendors take a bit of time to adjust to, as they're not an initially impressive speaker.

The XQ40's I don't think are quite as well balanced as the XQ30's, but that might be room dependent. A cleaner, clearer midrange than the other two, with a more forward, engaging sound that really let's you hear further into the mix. They're more attacking in the higher frequencies too - something I find not many speakers are capable of.

Well, you know the SCM40's. Not my favourite of the range, but more neutral than all the others with more impact. Like the KEF's, a nice clean midrange helps produce a more natural sound, and their sealed cabinet really helpless their ease of positioning. These will be the loudest and most dynamic in that size room, and will produce a good, solid, accurate sound in that sort of size room. Their main downfall is their fussiness - finding an amp to make them sound engaging and musical is quite tough.

At the end of the day, it can only be your decision, and it may well come down to availability for your region. If you really can't get SCM40's for a reasonable price, see I'd SCM19's are available, as they should work out much cheaper. If not, and judging by your requirements, give the XQ40's a go, or maybe even ProAc Studio 140.2, which are a nice, dynamic sounding speaker, but also retains that ProAc sweetness. At a similar price, the about to be released KEF Q900's, which are a little cheaper than all those mentioned so far, could well give the XQ40's a run fir their money - a sealed cabinet, improved UniQ driver, and a nice big 1.5" tweeter to boot - should be good!
Hi David,

thanks for coming to the rescue once again. The Proacs are too expensive around here, importing the ATCs directly is really fussy. I've heard that the SCM19s don't have the beautiful midrange that I loved so much on the SCM40s.

Maybe I'll have to go for the XQ40, since I am really looking for an uncoloured sound. Do you know the Thiel 1.6? What would be your favorite in this price class. I'm just curious, since I'll probably won't have them at hand due to serious restraints in options here in Brazil. Those taxes really take a toll.

best regards


PS: any idea when the new KEFs come out?
No problem Andre, anytime.

As far as floor standers go, up to £2.5/3k, it's a tough one. I like the ProAcs, and the new Naim Ovator S400's are a stonking speaker, though not sure you'll have access to them. For standmounts, the ATC SCM19' are one of my favourites, which I prefer to the 40's, but at the same price as the Ovators, there's the KEF Reference 201/2's - a stunningly clean sounding stand mount that performs like a floorstander - it may lose some bass depth in comparison, but they more than make up for that in the stunningly accurate midrange and smooth, but very detached treble. Worth checking out if you have access to KEF over there.

Sorry, not heard the Thiel ones.
Hello Andre, since you mentioned you need a neutral and balanced allrounder, I immediately thought of Harbeth. Their small P3ESR adheres to the design brief of the classic BBC LS 3/5A speaker which I gather was intended primarily for studio use. The rest of the Harbeth range is also similarly uncoloured and neutral but also highly musical. Perhaps one of their larger models (all are standmounts incidentally) would meet your needs?

Cheers and good luck!
Hi Singslinger,

I didn't include Harbeth on purpose, since the only have standmounters... I have kids and WAF is rather important, since they'll be in the living room. My wife is more than tolerant, since my current speakers are more than a meter from the front wall and I'd prefer to find something that wouldn't want to make her think about how much I'm investing (don't forget that we have more than 60% import tax here... it's a more costly hobby around here than in the UK 😉). The second reason is that I have two small children (1 and 4 yo) and I don't think that a standmount will work with them.

I do appreciate the input, though, and I'm very interested into getting to know the Harbeths... they also come from a pro background like ATC, as far as I know.

best regards

You're welcome Andre.

I've not heard the ATCs but the closest I've heard to Harbeths are probably ProAcs but as you've said, these are too expensive. In any case, good luck with the hunt!

(Ouch, 60% import tax! I wonder - are there any decent Brazilian hifi speaker manufacturers you could consider?)
60% import tax on top of price + shipping. after that I still have to pay another tax, which is around 18% and then sth else, which I don't really remember. It's VERY discouraging to say the least. I hear people complaining about 'rip-off Britain', but you haven't seen nothing yet!

It's a pity that the Proacs are so expensive, since I listened to the 140 Mk2 and was very surprised by the way they sounded (and they had only a few hours on them). A very honest product for the price.


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