Hi there,
I need some help in finding out what the basic differences between these speakers are. I have heard both the ATC and KEF speakers in different systems, but didn't have a chance to listen to the Spendors nor the Neats.
First of all: I absolutely loved the ATCs and if they were distributed here in Brazil I'd buy them in a heart beat. I've tried to bring them here myself, but it's a risky and costly business to import to Brazil (our taxes are staggering 60% plus).
What I'm looking for is to find something that is as close as possible to the ATCs. I especially loved the beautifully clear and transparent midrange which the ATCs were capable of.
My options are reduced to the Spendors A6 which seem to have a fair price, the KEF XQ40s, which seemed to be a great allrounder when paired with more 'musical' electronics and the Neat Motive 1, which would be the more costly of the bunch. For about the same price I can get a Thiel 1.6. If anyone knows these speakers please help me out, since I won't be able to do any home demo, except for the Thiels.
My living-room is 5.5M x 7M, granite floor, no curtains and only a pair of sofas and puffs. Half of this space is used for the hi-fi. At the moment my electronics are: SB Touch>Camelot Uther 2 Mk4>Gryphon Tabu 2/100.
I need a neutral and balanced allrounder since I sometimes also use my system as a refence for evaluating studio mixes and masters. I'm extremely fussy about soundstage and imaging, but also timbre and 'air'. I think that I had that with the SCM40s, just so you know where I'm coming from.
thanks in advance
best regards
I need some help in finding out what the basic differences between these speakers are. I have heard both the ATC and KEF speakers in different systems, but didn't have a chance to listen to the Spendors nor the Neats.
First of all: I absolutely loved the ATCs and if they were distributed here in Brazil I'd buy them in a heart beat. I've tried to bring them here myself, but it's a risky and costly business to import to Brazil (our taxes are staggering 60% plus).
What I'm looking for is to find something that is as close as possible to the ATCs. I especially loved the beautifully clear and transparent midrange which the ATCs were capable of.
My options are reduced to the Spendors A6 which seem to have a fair price, the KEF XQ40s, which seemed to be a great allrounder when paired with more 'musical' electronics and the Neat Motive 1, which would be the more costly of the bunch. For about the same price I can get a Thiel 1.6. If anyone knows these speakers please help me out, since I won't be able to do any home demo, except for the Thiels.
My living-room is 5.5M x 7M, granite floor, no curtains and only a pair of sofas and puffs. Half of this space is used for the hi-fi. At the moment my electronics are: SB Touch>Camelot Uther 2 Mk4>Gryphon Tabu 2/100.
I need a neutral and balanced allrounder since I sometimes also use my system as a refence for evaluating studio mixes and masters. I'm extremely fussy about soundstage and imaging, but also timbre and 'air'. I think that I had that with the SCM40s, just so you know where I'm coming from.
thanks in advance
best regards