New member
Feb 11, 2008
Hi! Thinking of going spendor when i move into my new room but which one? I will demo but trying to get a view on what others think. Heard the SA1s already and liked them. They are very similar in terms of price when you factor in stands?? Whats the pros and cons of either? Cheers
I have a pair of A5's in a small and quite heavily furnished room and they are wonderful. Great transparent midrange and surprisingly low bass. I love that they aren't fussy about positioning. Heard the full range of Spendors recently at a Cyrus/Spendor event and the SA1's are fantastic - key difference is how low they can go - SA1's faster A5's deeper. Both lovely speakers.
Hi! Thanks for the replies!
Looked into buying used Dynaudio C1s - pricey for standmounts plus dont see how they would be better suited to a smaller room than the 805S.

The room will be fairly small ie a double bed and then about 1.5m of space around it. The flooring is hard wood. I think the SA1s will be perfect as i love timing in a speaker and i dont think i will sacrifice too much from the 805S whilst getting a better match for my room and pocketing a bit of cash! So the A5s dont really bass boom? Even when close to a back wall?

The 805S are being sold along with their AE ref stands on ebay as we speak.

I've just set up my SA1s in my new lounge that's a lot bigger than the last. I now have about 3m separation and they're about 0.6m from the rear wall. Bloody hell. They sound ridiculously good. They are airy like I've never heard them, the bass seems to go deeper and is more balanced and everything has fallen into place. The imaging is superb. You won't regret them Shaxos, just buy a pair and you'll never look back.
would you guys call this a small medium or large room 11.5x12 with only I chair and my stereo equipment thats all thats in it. I have french doors behind that I open up. Just wondering
The A5's don't boom - I spoke with the Spendor owner at a dealers and he explained it is because their bass port fires towards the floor rather than towards the wall. He said the distance from speaker to floor is a constant whereas firing towards the wall means positioning has a big influence. I experience no bass boom - solid controlled bass even when you wind it up!
mike, if you're talking in feet i would call it a small room. if it's metres, it's huge.


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