Speakers for CA650A


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Aug 10, 2019
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HI all, I have been using my old Mirage M190 speakers with the 650A for a while, good midrange but a bit bright in treble and the bass is somehow weak and coloured, perhaps due to the medicore construction of the speakers cabinet. Source is using Macbook with Acram rDAC playing FLACs.

I don't really have the oppotunity to audition different speakers in where I live, so my knowledge are pretty much based on the research I done on the internet. After searching non-stop on google I narrowed down to a few but I don't exactly know how they would sound with the 650A. Lots of comments saying this amp is on the lean and bright side so I probably need a pair of more "neutral" speakers to go with.

Current choices are

Monitor Audio RX2

B&W 685

or others within the similar price range?

I believe the 650A are good in producing a wide soundstage and precise positioning. So what I am after is clean, deep and tight bass and less clincial in treble. My choice of music are from vocal to Jazz to rock and electronics, so I guess it will be hard to find a pair of speakers that caters all types of musicm but I prefer not to have a too warm and "slow" sounding speakers.

Some say the RX2 and 650A will be a good combo but some say it will be too bright, while for the 685, I have no idea how it will match up with my amp.

Thanks for help.


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Jul 17, 2007
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Hi fella, try calling some local dealers to see if you can take your amp into the shops and have a listen? I have the same amp connected to a pair of B&W 683's and everything you wanted is what I'm hearing right now :-D (although more expensive than there lil brothers).


atkins4725 said:
Hi fella, try calling some local dealers to see if you can take your amp into the shops and have a listen? I have the same amp connected to a pair of B&W 683's and everything you wanted is what I'm hearing right now :-D (although more expensive than there lil brothers).

Thanks for the help! I tried but I would say the dealers around me aren't that helpful so I couldn't really get to try out the speakers with my gear. Anyway will the B&W sounds a bit "forward" as many of the comments on this board have suggested?


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Jul 17, 2007
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Only your ears will be able to tell you that mate. I bought the 683's after hearing them whilst hooked up to similar priced rotel system so kinda went through the same process your going through now. I'd originally had a pair of mordant shorts aviano 6's on hold at richer sounds but then went and had a listen to the 683's. It cost me another £400 on top of the £500 for the aviano's but the 683's were worth it.


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