acalex said:]
Thanks for the advice Cno, I think I will audition "only" these two models (MF and ARC) this time, since he does not have any Audio Note (I thought so). He also have all nice and shining Primare exposed (they look very nice and sexy). I will use my source as well (pc + rDAC) and try to make a good selection of will need to help on this as well if possible :wall:
I have some nice tracks I love (lot of classic guitar) but maybe something which can make me spot the difference between the two (something with great basses for example). I will put some smooth jazz, vocal jazz (like Diana Krall and Barb Jungr) and some classical music (not an expert but I love big orchestra performing "allegro" and "Andante"...I love intense performances which I can feel inside my chest, like a lot Rossini...for example Tancredi which starts very soft and at a certain point grows), plus some high-res tracks...anyway I will open a separate post for this! :type:
Your first place to start is on your "learning to listen" thread here:
As to what music to want to test every aspect of your system eg. Tonal accuracy, conveyance of emotion, ability to deal with different musical genres, handling of dynamic swings, speed of transient attack and soundstaging.
So bring examples of every type of music you listen to (versatility is key). As Simon Cowell would say, you don't want to end up with a "one trick pony". eg Tubes aren't the best bet for Hard Rock or listening to Eminem....hard hitting, clean, powerful bass is not often a strength of tubes, at half sensible money.
You want to test human voice (male and female), piano and violin. Also bring tracks with thunderous bass to assess this aspect. If you have something very detailed and complicated, its worth seeing if this can be portrayed accurately (without ending up as a sonic mess). Listen to simple acoustic pieces as well as large scale orchestral ones.
It is also vital to bring some less well mastered stuff, as you don't want parts of your music collection to be off limits.
These are just a few ideas off the top of my head, and I expect others may be along with excellent advice as well.