From here:
it just says 'Burst Peak Power >1500W'
Which I read as an output burst but you are right - it could mean anything as it's unspecified.
Assuming it does deliver a 30A peak at that power it's interesting it claims 80A p-p (or 40A peak) current.
If we pretend it has 20,000uF of reservoir (per rail), and can drop 5V on the peak, it has Q=VC = 0.1C reserve, and C = IT so T = C/I = 0.1/30 = 3.3ms of that power level.
Then of course at the speaker it meets a lovely 'wodgey' inductor for the bass driver so that sharp current does very little but get impeded, and a small fraction of the power reaches the tweeter. Most tweeters rarely see even 1W so in the real world these figures are particularly meaningless and should be therefore dismisses as 'sales patter'.
The zero feedback is interesting though - that indicates an alternate topology which is always interesting. Of course there will be masses of feedback in places (a 114dB S/N ration (confusing quoted as an absolute 114dBa ?!) doesn't come naturally), but it matters where and how it is applied - not all feedback is bad at all!
GNFB = Global negative feedback. When a part of the speaker signal is fed into the input of the amp 180degrees out of phase.
Pros: Low noise, low output impedance, correction of frequency response (no amp should need this!).
Cons: You couple the speaker to the input of your amp, you multiply the harmonics, you court instability, the more you need it;- the less good it sounds.
Lots of debate about GNFB, in general applied to a linear system it's fine, applied to a non-linear system it's bad. I expect most of the 'rhythm' of the old Naim amps was due to the 0.22R output series resistor and the slightly inductive mandated speaker cables just pushing the influence of the speaker away from the amp to let the amp do it's thing. I.e. to make sure the dog was always wagging the tail.