Speaker wire, copper or silver opinions..


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Anyone used both?, switched between, had a favourite? using sivler anv qed at the moment but demoing some chord copper wire soon,survey, use copper or silver at the mo folks?....
I changed my QED silver anniversary speaker cables on my front left and right and centre home cinema rig for Chord carnival silverscreen.

Noticable improvement for me (Onkyo 606 AV amp). Sound is a little more detailed and more 'rounded'; I always suspected the QED cables caused a slight shrillness or pinched sound when the system was cranked a little. This has been tamed now and I can play stuff a bit louder now.

I have read that silver can enhance treble and that higher frequencies 'travel' more along the surface of a conductor (the skin effect) and therefore silver coated copper gives a good balance between higher and lower frequency transmission. But a bright sounding system may suffer from the use of silver cabling by spotlighting the treble even more; dull sounding systems may also benefit from the latter too.
your silverscreen cable, are they just copper cores, or are they copper coated in a silver tint?
Despite the name, they are copper only; I did check as I did not want any silver before buying.
I like my Chord Rumour 2, which are neutral sounding and are silver plated
Had QED Silver Anniversary, changed for Chord Carnival Silver Screen, probably won't go back to silver as I found it a bit too shrill sounding.


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