Speaker stand filling


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I've got some Atacama Nexus 6 stands, one 50mm tube and two 25mm tubes per stand will they benefit from filling.

Why have 3 pillars anyway wouldn't a single large bore pillar be sturdier?
My Atacama (something cant remember) which had one pillar benefitted from filling. They came with plastic bags to go inside them and I put in sand. I have also heard of atabits, lead shot and cat litter being used.

I am sure the reason why they benefitted from filling was because they were dampened and the insides did not vibrate or resonate as much. They were also heavier and more secure on their spikes. Having three pillars is probably a design feature, but three makes for less wobble, (or micro rocking as I have heard it called) than four when all the pressure is from above.
think sand might get damp then start corroding from the inside? ... I have super dreadnaughts which were bought 2nd hand ...

seller says they were filled with the proper stuff at the factory when he got them new(cannot remember what the stuff is called, but have seen it for sale on ebay)

... think you only fill them 3/4 way
Forgot the proper name of the sand that you should use, but ill tell you the best place to get some, the early learning centre, kids sandpit sand, bound to be same as houses, 3/4 full id recommend , all legs.

With regards to sand and dampness, I have read of some Apollo stands corroding from the inside out. But if you use dry play sand rather than wet builders sand or salty stuff off the beach it will be fine.
I think I used budgie sand, but I baked it first and put it inside reasonable strong plastic bags.
proper stuff to use is called atabites agregate ... see ebay item 270432542916

some guys use lead shot/pellets but that may cost much more than the atabites ... as mentioned, I read that you only fill the stands 3/4 way
I have heard about kitty litter being used, but kitty litter absorbs moisture, which probably doesn't make it a very good choice. Retaining moisture will facilitate rusting of the stand. Supposedly sand does not absorb water as much as other soil particles, and it is very dense, which is probably why it is usually the substance of choice. I will probably be buying stands too and I will buy playground sand to fill them. Playground sand seems to be the most recommended, I guess it's relatively safe as it is made for children to play in.
buy 2nd hand off ebay ... most of them come ready filled with the proper stuff ...

I paid £30 for my stands - super dreadnoughts (bargain) ... RRP was near the £200
And stuff like cat litter, soil etc, will absorb quite a lot of water- but only if you pour it into your stands. Provided it is properly oven-dried in the first place, you will not rust your stands.
Kiln dried sand from a builders merchants.

thats what you want couldnt remember the name!


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