professorhat:It's fairly rare that speakers / amps won't accept banana plugs - is it that there is a bung in there blocking the hole or is that it genuinely doesn't fit? If it's the bung, this is because, banana plugs are actually banned under EU law (as they are exactly the same size as the plug sockets they use on the continent) but you should be able to prise out the bung with some sniper noes pliers or a screwdriver and use them as normal.
If they genuinely don't fit, then your best bet is contacting the manufacturer and seeing what options they offer.
Prof, have you a source for the 'EU law' As far as I know banana plugs are quite legal. The only problem is the 'double banana plug' which is very similar to the electrical plug socket.
We have these Schuko sockets here in Sweden, but I have no problem obtaining banana plugs, and my amplifier hasn't the bungs (sourced here).