speaker cable - which one


New member
Aug 10, 2019

I have the MA BR2's and Cambridge 640V2 amp and CDP, but was wondering which speaker cable to have with it? Some people think the QED SA XT, or should I get the new chord carnival silverscreen?

I don't want the system to sound to bright, and I know the QED has silver in it.

Your thoughts please?
the conductor in the silverscreen is copper the ionly silver being the shielding tape.

I bought some this weekend and its very good value for money I kid you not
Im using some Vandamme spk cable with my BR2's, Absolutely no complaints, sounds lovely. And at only £1.79 a meter you would be saving a bomb.
I might go for the chord speaker cable, as I have the crimson interconnect. Would these go well together?

Also, I have read on here that the Cambridge gear and MA are quite bright together, is this true? Will the speaker cable dampen this down abit, or will it not make a jot of difference?


How did you terminate the speaker wire? Did you cut back the outer shielding to expose the ptfe around the copper then use banana plugs on the ends? I was just asking, as I know the outer protective layer is quite thick.



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