speaker cable 2 in to 1 adaptor?


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2007
is there anything on the market like an adaptor that would allow me to plug two banana plugs into one socket on the back of my amp - i currently have some cables that i use to biamp my speakers - some of the new amps i am looking at only have one set of terminals on the back and i don't really want to send my cable back to chord to be altered as i plan to add another power amp in the future but can't afford to do it all in one go - is there just some kine of gold adaptor or anything on the market that will make 2 plugs go in to 1 socket safely - quickly googled it but nothing came up.
Most banana plugs will accommodate both ends of the wire, depending how thick it is. I found some that have separate slots and screws for each bit of wire. No idea where though.....
guess that would work as long as they don't twist in back of the amp and connect with the other - is the hole in the front the perfect size for a banana plugs or do you leave the little bolt in to tighten them up?
oh, i see what u mean, probably work, but probably not advisable as you say, may twist round in socket, and could short, unless you insulate them in some way,
If you're worried about shorts, you could always change the plugs on one set of cables to these, into which the second set would then stack.
Andrew Everard:If you're worried about shorts, you could always change the plugs on one set of cables to these, into which the second set would then stack.

Are we back onto Daniel Craig again?


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