I know it's been a while but I felt I ought to share my thoughts on my new speakers. It has been some work to get them to sound as good as I believe they can at the moment. I had to rearrange my living room and buy some new furniture.. but I think I now have the speakers in as a good as a position as is possible at the moment.
I now have them 60 cm away from the back wall and aprox 1 m away from the side walls slightly towed in to my listening position about 2,5 m away. As the distance to the rear wall is so small I closed the rear bass ports as to avoid boomy bass and not to annoy my neighbours too much..
All in all I am quite happy. (but) the speakers reveal the pros and cons of my amplification (Cyrus 8 xpd).
Imaging, clarity, instrument separation, dynamics and scale have all improved over my little 685's (which are now quite happy in the kitchen

). The harshness that the Cyrus / 685 combination sometimes expressed is gone. The treble is really very clean, clear and silky but never harsh. The bass is also very good. It goes very deap and has a lot of punch. The only thing I think needs improving is the mids. Somehow they sound as if they could do with a bit more power or grunt. I do not know exactly how to describe this. The detail, separation and pace is all very good but I feel that something is missing.
I am now wondering if this is only a matter of power or if it is due to the Cyrus house sound. So there are a few options out there for me. I could either add 2 Cyrus mono power amp to get more power and punch to the mids (not sure if that really is the problem and I have not heard a Cyrus power amp yet) or I could switch my amp to either another solid state (I was thinking Naim as they do pack some punch) or a hybrid amp (was thinking 2nd hand Pathos Logos or something similar).
Please do let me know what you think. I have no idea if Naim or Pathos are a good match for the Viennas. I know that some people like the Viennas on McIntosh amps but I have not heard one of thoses either.
I am looking forward to your replies!