Don't belittle yourself Sparks, you know what you are doing and where you want to be, which is much further down the road to where I found myself about 2.5 years ago when venturing back into hifi after a 20 year absence
I'm not saying that standmounts are better than floorstanders, because they are not - depends on personal preference. At a given price point say £300 for standmounts and say £450ish for floorstanders then my bet would be on the standmounts to excel, as the extra cash is for the cabinet, not the electronics within. Yes, floorstanders will always go lower because of the cabinet size, it's all about horses for courses, but flabby bass compared to tight bass - personally I'd take tight bass every time. What I am saying is don't close your eyes to standmounts, floorstanders are lovely furniture, (my BX5's looked the dogs), but if they're not right then that's all they will be - furniture.
The MA range of speakers do seem to split opinion as they can sound overly bright when coupled with the wrong kit, some say this is down to their metal tweeter. Personally I liked MA with my Marantz kit, that was until I discovered PMC!
PMC speakers may be a little outside what you are looking to spend and apparently they require a good power source, amp. I've got the bottom of the range, (DB1 Gold), and they were £800 new last year, which is about tops for what I was prepared to spend on speakers. They are tiny in comparison to any other speaker I have owned - get a piece of A4 paper and fold the long side in by 2" - that's the size of the front face! But when it comes to SQ they punch way above the RX2's which are about 2.5 times larger.
My journey has been stupidly expensive, if by offering advice or encouragement here I can save people from a similar fate then that makes me happy. But there are many other members on here who are far more experienced than I am. Your own ears are always the best judge of what you want. Other members have given some ideas on speakers, it's a minefield mate, but chosen carefully the right speakers will never cease to amaze you.