Speaker advice for a newbie with a Cyrus set up


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I have a Cyrus cd6s and will hopefully partner this with a Cyrus 6vs2 amp too. At present I have a very small room but am hopefully moving to a bigger one soon.

Could anyone offer advice on partnering speakers with this set up? The speakers I'm looking at currently are:

Dali Lektor 2 - as I understand these will suit my current small space. Do these do justice to the above amp/cd though?

B&W 685 - heard them, loved them. Don't think they will suit small room?

Mordaunt Mezzo 2 - have only read about them at present

Quad 11L2 - Have heard they have good 'synergy' with the Cyrus.

Any help greatly appreciated. It's easy to get my knickers in a twist with people's views on 'brightness', 'warmth' etc!
How small is the room??

You also state that you hope to move to a bigger room so is this temporary?? If you are going to move soon then it may be better to get the speakers best suited to the newer room and compromise in the current room. Otherwise you will get speakers to suit this room but may need/want to change them if you move rooms.....
Likely moving to a bigger room in 6 months plus. I listen to all sorts but alot of instrumental classical and reasonably heavy music also. I get the feeling the b&w 685's are the best for when I move but will not be now. Would you agree? But - just how bad can good speakers sound in a smaller space?
£300 - happy to go 2nd hand.

Mahler, Shostakovich, Beethoven orchestral. Solo piano stuff and string quartets. Pantera, Sepultura and similar heavier things. Also - more conventionally classic rock and pop - Radiohead, Beatles, RHCP etc.
Why not save a little more and get the EB Acoustics EB1 at £470 these should work well in both locations. £300 pounds with the Cyrus kit is not really enough to do them justice. cheers.
As the 6 amplifier does have problems with 4 ohm speakers once you near it's maximum output (11-12 o'clock on the volume control). To make the most out of the amplifiers available power, stick to more efficient designs (eg, 8ohms impedance/89 or 90dB sensitivity, especially if you're going to be using the system in a larger room.

So try the Quads, and also try the Monitor Audio RX1, but the RX2 is probably a better bet as they'll suit a larger room better.


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