Sony STR-DA2400ES SKY HD Fix??


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Has anybody got a clue as to weather or not sony has sorted the STR-DA2400ES SKY HD conection issue out yet & is there anyway to find out if you purchase the Amp that particular unit is repaired other than opening it and trying it out?
pdd001:Has anybody got a clue as to weather or not sony has sorted the STR-DA2400ES SKY HD conection issue out yet & is there anyway to find out if you purchase the Amp that particular unit is repaired other than opening it and trying it out?

I'm pretty sure that the delay of any of these receivers in shops over the past couple of months is that Sony stopped sending them out and sorted the problem out. Any new stock (especially from a registered Sony retailer) will be fine. I bought the 3400es a couple of weeks ago and although it hasn't been mentioned that this model was effected, it wasn't launched whrn the 2400 and DG820 were and there was then a delay until Sony did release it.
Sony has assured us that the STR-DA2400ES has been fixed, and our review sample worked fine. However, we have still not had a revised STR-DG820 back to test (our original sample defaulted to stereo HDMI, overriding the optical output).

We've just come across exactly the same problem on the Sony RHT-G900 TV/speaker stand we're testing. We've contacted Sony and are awaiting a reply on that one.
Mine is fixed (it came from Play) - other than opening the box and seeing the photocopied (badly) piece of A4 on top I don't know an easier way to check. Maybe there's some identification on the outside of the box too ?
Thanks to you guys for replying. Max222 what did the photocopy say? Gerrardasnails you say you have bought the 3400es, did you hear a 2400es before your perchase, is there a difference? As I thought the 3400es was basically the same but with added HDMI & Zones?
The photocopy is of pages 87, 91 and 117 is quite long and complicated.Page 87 is headed "Switching between digital and analog (input mode). Page 91 is "About the indicators on the display window" ann 117 seems to be fault diagnosis. Its hard to give you a precise answer and its all very wordy. But if you have this sheet then you have the fixed version - there is even a statement from Sony somewhere to the effect that the photocopy is the easiest way to check. Regards Max
Thanks very much Max, I think what I will do is purchase the amp from a shop and open it before I leave, may not save the money but if I were to perchase one online, it will save me having to go thru the trouble of returning it if were to be infected!
I just bought this receiver new from Tottenham Court Road on
Saturday - I can't work out how to set up HDMI video with optical
input. I believe I have a defective unit - I didn't see any photo copy
amendments to the manual in the box.

I am just finding out the "joys" of this hilarious product defect. How the hell did Sony manage to supply me an uncorrected sample from their Sony Centre months and months after the problem was reported?

The journalists on this website said it was fixed by a Sony Engineer - can you describe to me what is different in the menu so I can determine for sure that my one definitely needs to be sent back?

The digital TV HDMI product defect is so significant as to be completely laughable. I can only imagine what product board thought that was a reasonable decision.

I bought it on the advice of this website, and its 5 star rating.

In any case, you should amend your review of the product - Sony are still selling crippled units through their own retail outlets.
Just take it back and demand a fixed version. Should have a sticker on the box and the manual amendments. Maybe the shop just hung onto it until the fix was worked through...
I just bought this receiver new from Tottenham Court Road on
Saturday - I can't work out how to set up HDMI video with optical
input. I believe I have a defective unit - I didn't see any photo copy
amendments to the manual in the box.

I am just finding out the "joys" of this hilarious product defect. How the hell did Sony manage to supply me an uncorrected sample from their Sony Centre months and months after the problem was reported?

The journalists on this website said it was fixed by a Sony Engineer - can you describe to me what is different in the menu so I can determine for sure that my one definitely needs to be sent back?

The digital TV HDMI product defect is so significant as to be completely laughable. I can only imagine what product board thought that was a reasonable decision.

I bought it on the advice of this website, and its 5 star rating.

In any case, you should amend your review of the product - Sony are still selling crippled units through their own retail outlets.

How can you blame the magazine? If you had read this forum before buying, you would have asked for a demo or at least checked that the additional part of the manual was in the box without leaving the shop. It's your fault. You should go back and demand a replacement.
I can quite easily blame the magazine.

The magazine bent over backwards to allow Sony to provide a fixed version of their box for the review, only for me to find that they are selling from their biggest retail outlet crippled hardware.

It's hardly a non-issue is it? Sony have merely paid lip service to the entire thing. It's 3 months after this was discovered.

I didn't know about the issue and the additional part of the manual else I would have checked for them. I read the review and it said issues had been resolved, and it was a wonderful receiver.

What also gives me the right to say Sony have only paid lip service to this, is that I went to their support website, and the manual I can download has been published in May. There is no documentation in any of their FAQ regarding the problem for Sony UK, no documentation supplied in regards the user manual amendments that have been made on their website - if I didn't spend several hours on google and reading 60 pages of message boards on the receiver, then I would have been mystified.

Not all consumers have such internet skills.

I regard their behaviour as retailers and suppliers of equipment to be utterly unscrupulous if the Sony Centre is knowingly supplying defective equipment. It will have cost me £50 in round trips to return it, there is an unreasonable expense and inconvenience involved to me.
I would say everything you've just said here to the retailer and then report back here on how they deal with the situation. To be fair, they're the only ones that can sort this issue out.
I can quite easily blame the magazine.

The magazine bent over backwards to allow Sony to provide a fixed version of their box for the review, only for me to find that they are selling from their biggest retail outlet crippled hardware.

It's hardly a non-issue is it? Sony have merely paid lip service to the entire thing. It's 3 months after this was discovered.

I didn't know about the issue and the additional part of the manual else I would have checked for them. I read the review and it said issues had been resolved, and it was a wonderful receiver.

What also gives me the right to say Sony have only paid lip service to this, is that I went to their support website, and the manual I can download has been published in May. There is no documentation in any of their FAQ regarding the problem for Sony UK, no documentation supplied in regards the user manual amendments that have been made on their website - if I didn't spend several hours on google and reading 60 pages of message boards on the receiver, then I would have been mystified.

Not all consumers have such internet skills.

I regard their behaviour as retailers and suppliers of equipment to be utterly unscrupulous if the Sony Centre is knowingly supplying defective equipment. It will have cost me £50 in round trips to return it, there is an unreasonable expense and inconvenience involved to me.

I can understand why you have a problem with Sony but not with the magazine. WHF can hardly check all stocks to make sure that they all the same as the one that they tested can they?

Back to the problem; what happens when you go into the GUI and the input settings. I have the 3400es so I'm not sure if they are the same but I can check HDMI 1 (if I have that connected to Sky HD for example) and assign that input with optical by pressing the Options/Tools button on the remote. Once this is done, all I need to do is press HDMI 1 to get Sky and 5.1 sound when available. I can also then marry up HDMI 1 with the SAT button on the remote so that I can press SAT and it automatically goes to HDMI 1 and the rest. How far can you get doing this with your machine?

Try going into the GUI and click Inputs and then SAT, if you hit Options/Tools you should get a list including assign input. If you are able to go further then your receiver should be ok. You just then highlight which HDMI input you have Sky connected to and then highlight which Optical input you have it connected to. If you can't do this then you need to send it back to Sony and have a right go at them. They should be embarrassed if they are still selling faulty stock.
I can quite easily blame the magazine.

No mate, you can't.

The magazine bent over backwards to allow Sony to provide a fixed version of their box for the review,

I think a better wording would be "the magazine gave the box a low review UNTIL Sony provided a fixed version", which isn't the same at all.

only for me to find that they are selling from their biggest retail outlet crippled hardware.

Yes, "they" being Sony. Sony make and sell the box, not the magazine! What Hi-fi have no control over what stock Sony Centres sell to the public. They've done their duty by pointing out to the readers that there's an issue with these units, there isn't anything else they can do. So to blame the magazine for your problem is childish at best!

It's hardly a non-issue is it? Sony have merely paid lip service to the entire thing. It's 3 months after this was discovered.

To be fair to Sony you'll probably find it's the management of the store you went to that are at fault, not Sony themselves. Sony Centres are franchise operations, the staff in the store are NOT Sony employees. They should tow the line on matters like this but in your case it appears they may not have done. Sony have clearly been fixing units and sending out new units that don't have the problem, so they've been doing more than pay "lip service" to the issue.

I didn't know about the issue and the additional part of the manual else I would have checked for them. I read the review and it said issues had been resolved, and it was a wonderful receiver.

So you DID know there was an issue. You didn't check with the retailer that yours was a fixed unit before you bought it then? Caveat Emptor.

What also gives me the right to say Sony have only paid lip service to this, is that I went to their support website, and the manual I can download has been published in May. There is no documentation in any of their FAQ regarding the problem for Sony UK, no documentation supplied in regards the user manual amendments that have been made on their website - if I didn't spend several hours on google and reading 60 pages of message boards on the receiver, then I would have been mystified.

Not all consumers have such internet skills.

I regard their behaviour as retailers and suppliers of equipment to be utterly unscrupulous if the Sony Centre is knowingly supplying defective equipment. It will have cost me £50 in round trips to return it, there is an unreasonable expense and inconvenience involved to me.

All of what you say there is entirely reasonable, but it still ISN'T the magazine's fault! You have a legitamate grievance against the Sony Centre you bought the unit from, they should swap it without question, if they don't then you should take the matter up with Sony themselves, but don't blame the magazine, they've done everything within their capability.


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