I have a sony 40W2000 LCD set and no matter what i use (THX set ups etc) I just cant seem to find a good all round setting for my colour/brightness/contrast i just seem to end up messing around for hours and now i think its a matter of ive been trying so many different settings i dont know what im looking at now.
My games seem too dark, broadcasts seem a bit washed out and blu rays dont excel, anyone got any numbers for me to try please??
I have the same screen (and it's excellent when set up properly), ignore the ignoramus who posted earlier.
I cannot remember off the top of my head but I got my settings from someone online and it worked a treat. I've since played about a bit but I will see if I can find them and post back later.
Try these, write them down and then play about a bit if you are not happy.
For SD inputs:
Mode: Custom
Backlight: 4
Contrast: 80
Brightness: 44
Colour: 65
Colour Temp: Neutral (note: this was calibrated via service menu)
Sharpness: 5
Noise Reduction: Off
All set to OFF
Colourspace: Normal
Gamma: High
I measured the gammas at (OFF: 2.6, LOW: 2.45 MED: 2.3, HIGH: 2.2). The choice is between OFF (2.6 is typical for CRT) or HIGH (2.2 is typical for monitor).
Power Saving: LOW
For HD inputs:
Same as above but with
Brightness: 42
Colour: 59
Sharpness: MIN
__Display Area: FULL PIXEL (this gives pixel perfect mode)