sony nx803 or hx703


New member
Aug 10, 2019
im looking at buying a new sony tv, the nx803 or hx703 ?? ive seen on other locations people are having issues with the edge lighting on new sonys, though the recent sony review here was positive. both tv's have 200hz which i would like, so i guess its a case of which one. money isnt the issue but is the extra on the 803 worth £400 ? opinions please and more importantly has anyone got either and your opinions pls. want it for world cup and doubt if WHF will do a review of either by then ? thanks
I would personally go for the HX703. It is on of my favourite sets in the entire range and the CCFL backlighting is better than the edge LED in my opinion. We are selling huge numbers of HX703 in both 40" and 46" at present.
I myself is waiting for the hx803. Slightly cheaper than the nx803, has everything the hx703 has and is 3D ready. Doesn't look as good as the nx does though, the monolithic design is awesome. Hope they are as good as they look.

Or maybe even the LX900... That one got it all it seems.
It depends what your priorities are. The picture will still be better ont he HX703 than on the HX803. The latter is LED edge lit and, to my eyes, they just aren't as good as a conventional CCFL backlight. Obviously the HX803 does have the advantage of being 3D ready.

Now if you were talking HX903 its a different ball game.
agree with matthewpiano in all said above.all true and big difference between led and ccfl IMO and Matthew's.
i am very keen on the 703 and think the cinematic choice is the range i want. no interest in 3d at all although for just 200 notes more the hx803 is an interesting proposition. i take it that the picture quality is the same on hx703 and hx803 ? many thanks for your opinions
Hi Matthew,

I'm really interested in getting the HX903, as for me it has everything - great design, 3D ready, plus full LED backlight, so should be great picture?, you've mentioned this model in one of your earlier posts, have you seen one in action then, and if so what is your opinion.


I wouldn't consider either sets mentioned above without a good review in sight! Make that three opinions just incase.

The cheaper sets{EX 503] are V.good as a value for money product but they are still don't come close to the Samsung C7000 or 9664 Philips. So, I know I am sane in admitting this.

I do not think those NX TV will take the performance of Sony TV any further.[And having LED don't means it's better than LCD]Sony sets have reached its performance limit with the V,W,Z and the later EX 5 series.Unless it starts to INVEST more in R and D like Samsung thre is no more gain. Bravia 4 is an UNKNOWN. I am a Sony Fan but I ain't no mug.

Sony's glory isn't epitimised in TVs, not anymore - but in their A/V{amps,BR players], SE Phones[Vivaz,X10], music players,DSLR and HD Video camera, and on those toys they can compete with anyone!

I suggets you check out Samsungs if you want TVs performing above EX range. At £700 to £800 pounds Sony EXs are probably the best LCD TV you can buy.....even that's pushing it.....and I am been tenny wenny bias....Samsung is their nightmare.

My next TV will not be Sony.No A Samsung,or Panasonic.....still going on value.

'We all need a change'
thanks for your anti sony rant dude, whatever your name is, but that dont answer my question. dont want 3d and that samsung in 3 years will be rubbish when 3d has moved on. the philips is awesome but i can save £600 odd quid on a tv that does have 200hz with sony's motionflow. matts comments were very useful and if u could answer one more question, my viewing distance is 2.5m, should i stick to 40 inch or is 46 the way to go or too big ??
Hi brettweir,the kdl30hx703 is a stunning tv...we cant get enough of them at work,edge led look good in some ways but the ccfl backlight rocks on the hx703..200hz,be3= a picture to die for.and if you wait a little longer sony is giong to be launching some cracking deals soon.
brettweir:thanks for your anti sony rant dude, whatever your name is, but that dont answer my question. dont want 3d and that samsung in 3 years will be rubbish when 3d has moved on. the philips is awesome but i can save £600 odd quid on a tv that does have 200hz with sony's motionflow. matts comments were very useful and if u could answer one more question, my viewing distance is 2.5m, should i stick to 40 inch or is 46 the way to go or too big ??

You could get away with a 46" but I would recommend making a cardboard template for the 40" and 46" sizes to help you make your final decision.
sonycentre:Hi brettweir,the kdl30hx703 is a stunning tv...we cant get enough of them at work,edge led look good in some ways but the ccfl backlight rocks on the hx703..200hz,be3= a picture to die for.and if you wait a little longer sony is giong to be launching some cracking deals soon.

{The hype and hysteria in the quote above is nothing more than jinga bells, I don't understand any of it in any logical sense?}

Quite frankly I would leave it to the journalist to decide how good the HX sets are.That's the idea of reviewing them so to get an unbias expert opinion. No one can just use a pair of eyes to judge a TV image, why we wouldn't need magazine reviews if that's the case?

The Samsung C7000 is not just about 3D! If you bother to the read the review, it excels in 2D; better than the 8 series and the remote is a work of art as B and O would just goes to show why punters should stay away from a prof job of reviewing......just read the brochure watch the adverts....simple, don't think.

The Samsung so desirable,with all the R and D that went into it, if this was a Car this would be Audit R8.

And to the other guy, if I was anti Sony, I would not have been praising them for their other none TV exellence...again read before you comment.

the remote is a work of art as B and O would make

The Samsung so desirable,with all the R and D that went into it, if
this was a Car this would be Audit R8

I think you are the hype master !! these guys could be pushing their new edge lit tech on more expensive sets but aren't, they are sitting watching a great picture and are being honest that the cinematic hx703 is a great tv.

ive been in a shop and tv looks great and picture is great. philips out performs samsung for similar dough and 3d isnt perfect if you look at other reviews. so dude R8 it aint. I can only conclude you are a chelsea fan with samsung written on your chest !!
is the 46hx703 the same as the 46z5500 ? ie do you think the picture quality is the same as reviews on that model were very good
Grant / Matthew,

Any views, opinions or updates on the 46" HX903, I'm hanging on buying my new set until this is released so would really appreciate it if you guy's have already seen it, giving me your perspective.


Hi ukpcum1.the tvs you mention are not due till june this year,but we are all waiting with baited breath.From what i saw at sony in march,there stunning,the 3d was out of this world.
Thanks Grant, I cannot wait until the 903 is released, I have been waiting to update my old CRT for a while now and have pretty much made up my mind that the 46" version of this model is the one for me (of course barring a poor review from the WHFI team). Glad to here you were impressed with the 3D as although I am in the minority I am really interested in 3D, hence why I want this TV.
Any idea when the WHF team will get their hands on a TV from the new Sony HX or NX range to put it through its paces?

I see they are flying off the shelves in the Sony stores but wouldn't mind hearing the WHF team's opinion before taking the plunge. If the 46HX703 gets the five star verdict- Im in!

The Sony range of Monolithic T.Vs are stunning to look at , i am someone who was going to purchase a 46" HX903 set as the demos i had were some of the best i had seen in 2D and 3D .The only issue i have is that they have recently increased the price from £2250 to £2599 on the Sony website.This would make the price £800 dearer than the equivalent Samsung 46 8000 range . As i said before in a previous thread , they may be good, but not that good, however , if i was looking to spend under £1500 for a top lcd set that looked great and had a great performance then they would be top of the list in a lower spec guise as per the 803 or 703.
Hey Sony Centre,

I had decided to go for the HX703 for my new TV but looking at them in the local Sonycentre I struggle to see how this screen is worth me paying £300 for over the EX503 which I have decided now to go with instead. Any idea what sort of savings on the cinematic range might arise from these deals you mention, and when they might appear. I'd hate to go for the EX503 now and find in a couple of month's time I could get the HX703 for the same price. I bought my first blu-ray player, the Sony bdp s760 and and it is rather galling to find that if I'd waited a month or 2 I'd have got a better one (Bravia i/net enabled) for much less!

Making a final decision on all this is proving very difficult so any advance info appreciated.
For your interest.

I've got brochure here from the Leeds Sony Centre. They are doing a package with the 40EX503, BDP-S373 and 5 year guarantee for £849. That's after trading in an old tv and dvd/vcr. I presume it could any working tv like an old portable, it doesn't seem to say anywhere.


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