I've seen a fair bit about what video files this can play on the internet, but it's often based on older machines without firmware upgrades, and I'm struggling to get a clear view even from the manual.
So, does anybody have experience of what files can be played from a DNLA NAS over a network, wired or wireless, and from USB, and whether it works well in either case?
I suppose I'm specifically interested in VOB / mpg and high definition MKV files.
If anyone has experience or knowledge they can share that would be much appreciated.
I've seen a fair bit about what video files this can play on the internet, but it's often based on older machines without firmware upgrades, and I'm struggling to get a clear view even from the manual.
So, does anybody have experience of what files can be played from a DNLA NAS over a network, wired or wireless, and from USB, and whether it works well in either case?
I suppose I'm specifically interested in VOB / mpg and high definition MKV files.
If anyone has experience or knowledge they can share that would be much appreciated.