Sony announces new 4K projectors at IFA 2015

A bit surprised WHF? hasn't covered this yet.

Two of the models Sony announced today, the VPL-VW520ES and VPL-VW320ESg, feature native 4K resolution with no artificial manipulation of pixels. Both feature new long-lasting lamps that offer up to 6,000 hours of operation. The VPL-VW520ES even supports High Dynamic Range (HDR) content through its HDMI input, with a 300,000:1 dynamic contrast ratio.

Sony also announced the new VPL-HW65ES, which trades HD resolution for the 4K in the above projectors, but also features the same long-lasting 6,000 hour lamp. The VPL-HW65ES, VPL-VW520ES, and VPL-VW320ESg all feature an RF 3D transmitter that offers strong signal quality and 3D synchronization stability.

For me, the most interesting aspect is the life of the lamps! I hope the same lamps can be used in my HW40ES when the current one conks out. :)


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The bulb life for the 320 and 520 ES is 6000 hours

Dare say will be £300 to replace so technically roughly the same cost perr hour as the 40 and 55 ES

Deleted member 2457

ellisdj said:
The bulb life for the 320 and 520 ES is 6000 hours

Dare say will be £300 to replace so technically roughly the same cost perr hour as the 40 and 55 ES
Which projector have you bought?


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Not one of the new ones, I have bought a VW500, model just going out, is still a 4K native and bloody good

This PJ has 4000 hours of bulb life and is about £265 - £300

Deleted member 2457

ellisdj said:
Not one of the new ones, I have bought a VW500, model just going out, is still a 4K native and bloody good

This PJ has 4000 hours of bulb life and is about £265 - £300
Ah nice one! Do you think you will ever go back to a TV now? How much did you pay for the projector?


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gel said:
ellisdj said:
Not one of the new ones, I have bought a VW500, model just going out, is still a 4K native and bloody good

This PJ has 4000 hours of bulb life and is about £265 - £300
Ah nice one! Do you think you will ever go back to a TV now? How much did you pay for the projector?

Not for my main room no mate I wont. Obviously we still have a TV for my son and mrs to watch every day stuff but for serious stuff the scale of the big PJ image is hard to beat.

Cant say how much I paid, a bloody lot though, I am hoping this will do me for a long time.


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ellisdj said:
gel said:
Ah nice one! Do you think you will ever go back to a TV now? How much did you pay for the projector?

Not for my main room no mate I wont. Obviously we still have a TV for my son and mrs to watch every day stuff but for serious stuff the scale of the big PJ image is hard to beat.

Cant say how much I paid, a bloody lot though, I am hoping this will do me for a long time.

"But for serious stuff the scale of the big PJ image is hard to beat."

I'm feeling suspicious again. That's just what bigboss says! And, like him, you have a small child! Hmm, I'm beginning to suspect that ellisdj and bigboss are the same person. You never see the two of them together, hmmm ....

Ellisdj, I hope that you get as much fun from your projector / screen combination as bigboss does from his. Six months since I saw it, I remain of the firm opinion that, for 1080p material, bigboss's projector / screen combination is the best picture that I have ever seen.

Deleted member 2457

ellisdj said:
gel said:
ellisdj said:
Not one of the new ones, I have bought a VW500, model just going out, is still a 4K native and bloody good

This PJ has 4000 hours of bulb life and is about £265 - £300
Ah nice one! Do you think you will ever go back to a TV now? How much did you pay for the projector?

Not for my main room no mate I wont. Obviously we still have a TV for my son and mrs to watch every day stuff but for serious stuff the scale of the big PJ image is hard to beat.

Cant say how much I paid, a bloody lot though, I am hoping this will do me for a long time.
Congrats! *clapping*


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Son of SJ I personally found most of the PJ demos I had to have worse picture quality than my 65VT65 - despite being bigger. This is largely because of the size / my viewing distance I will make a point to highlight. They dont calibrate any where near as well, have much worse blacks, the image is much less vibrant with less pop and show up the content more for its flaws, especially sat close.

There are far more obvious flaws and rough edges that I could not live with, especially after spending a lot of money for the price of entry - coming home to the 65 - was initially a bit small but soon adjusted to and I love the picture on that TV. Could watch that all day with no / minimum flaws (no tv is perfect)

This is with the exception of the VW500 demo's I had - in a room properly tailored for a PJ it put my chin on the floor first time I saw it (this was my first good PJ experience so that had the effect probs same as you at BB) with just how good content I had seen many times before could look and I lusted after one from that moment. I could not get that image out of mind - it was amazing to me and I dont see that very often. To me it was the only image that was doing true justice to the quality of the content, all other images was actually doing it an injustice - that is what was planted in my mind.

I must point I quickly recalibrated my TV following this first demo, working out a way for better performance, quite a bit better in fact and closed that gap right up but still the gap is there, largely due to the scale of the image, especially because of how you can set a PJ up to remove black bars top and bottom and fill the whole screen.

For me it had such scale and the highest picture quality I had ever seen with proper smooth movement all rolled into one. The retail price at best part of £9k just for the PJ as I said before was prohibiting. So I am now chuffed to bits to own one, I really am, I will be recyling the money from the Plasma sale to pay for the screen. Thats bloody expensive too but just as important


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bigboss said:
A bit surprised WHF? hasn't covered this yet.

Two of the models Sony announced today, the VPL-VW520ES and VPL-VW320ESg, feature native 4K resolution with no artificial manipulation of pixels. Both feature new long-lasting lamps that offer up to 6,000 hours of operation. The VPL-VW520ES even supports High Dynamic Range (HDR) content through its HDMI input, with a 300,000:1 dynamic contrast ratio.

Sony also announced the new VPL-HW65ES, which trades HD resolution for the 4K in the above projectors, but also features the same long-lasting 6,000 hour lamp. The VPL-HW65ES, VPL-VW520ES, and VPL-VW320ESg all feature an RF 3D transmitter that offers strong signal quality and 3D synchronization stability.

For me, the most interesting aspect is the life of the lamps! I hope the same lamps can be used in my HW40ES when the current one conks out. :)

They have now


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Here it is - I have not finished the Install in the pic or yet - it needs a different infrstructure power and HDMI etc to the TV obviously at the back of the room not the front


I was testing it for the size of screen on this high tech temporary screen :)


I took a quick snap to send off to a pal



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I will post up some pics once its all done and calibrated etc. That is just off some bed sheet type material to test it was working and get my sizes right for the drop down screeen dimensions etc - bit of work has to go in to get that spot on for tension purposes

That was with settings set very bright I think, how they come out of the box - so its going to pop for an image like that.

The PJ is designed for a much bigger screen than this one which is where you need the brightness I think - that is a smaller screen size set than what I will be ordering :)


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