Sony 40Z4500 settings


New member
Aug 10, 2019
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Hi all,

I finally took the plunge and ordered a Z4500 yesterday
(£1199 from electro centre: I'll need to get hold of a DVD with THX optimiser to set up correctly at some point but in the mean time can anyone let me know what settings they are currently running on theirs? I appreciate that these settings are dependent on the ambient lighting conditions and the other equipment used but at least it'll get me going.

Also, could you let me know if you have different setups for day and night viewing (e.g. turning the backlight down at night?)

Finally, for info, I viewed the 40Z4500 against the 40W5500 in a sony centre and was still not that impressed with the W5500. The W5500 image seemed to lose it's detail during panning shots and didn't quite have the vibrancy to the colour that the Z4500 had. The Z4500 had a sort of "three dimentiality" to the picture that the W5500 just couldn't create There was very little between the two in terms of SD picure "noise" though (which I have always been particularly picky about). So the W5500 is a definate improvement over the W4500 which I previously thought had quite a poor SD picture in terms of image noise.



Hi Sam

I asked the very same question when I got my 40z4500, and didn't get any replies from other members. The reason given is that tastes differ and ambient light conditions etc etc. But I agree with you, a reference point helps. On a previous thread, Clare at WHF said to another member that settings would be posted (that member was also asking for some settings, so we are seeing a trend here) but it never happened. Other members have also recommended various calibration tools and software - the THX optimiser is a good idea, but I'm not going to spend £150 on a piece of software or pay £250 for a professional ISF calibration (my wife would be calling for the men in white codes if I spent that much money to tune the TV in!).

Having trawled the interest, I found these settings as a starting point on another forum, which you are welcome to have a look at. It would be helpful if WHF could post their professional test settings but I have not seen them do this for the reasons mentioned above.

My recommendation would be to use these as a reference point. From my point of view (to adjust for light conditions in my own room), I slightly increased contrast (to about 85) and brightness to about (53) but it serves as a reference point. During the day, when the room is brighter, I sometimes choose "natural" mode and then revert to "cinema" mode when its darker in the evening.

Picture Mode: Cinema
Backlight: Min
Contrast: 80
Brightness: 50
Colour: 55
Colour Temp: Neutral
Sharpness: 0-2
Noise Reduction: Off
MPEG NR: off

Advanced Settings

Contrast Enhancer: Off
Colour Space: Standard

Features Submenu

Quick Start: Off
Light Sensor: Off
Power Saving: Standard
Film Mode: Auto 1
Motionflow: Depends on what im watching or playing.


Cheers for the settings Steve, much appreciated. The THX optimiser I was talking about using was the one that's included free on certain Lucus DVD's (Star Wars, etc). I have noticed that there are other aftermarket picure optimiser DVD's out there, not sure if they're any good though. I may start another thread to see if anyone else has used them.

Thanks again,




Another way of calibrating is to use the newly added BBC HD Test Card which broadcasts a number of times per day on the BBC HD channel (on the basis that you have HD television). I've not carried out this procedure myself so am not sure exactly when the Test Card broadcasts.

I attach a blog from Andy Quested on the BBC Internet blog ("A Christmas present from HD Channel) that provides a guide of how to use the Test Card in order to calibrate a television.

I don't know if other forum members can provide info of when the Test Card is televised on the BBC HD channel.


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