Sonos CEO defends app redesign as a "better experience" but admits failure to communicate

The app has thousands of 1 star reviews on both android and iOS since they updated the app. I use it myself and the negative reviews are justified. People move to Sonos from home theatre set ups etc and they really don’t appreciate being treated like simpletons. The CEO is out of touch.
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So dissapointing from Sonos and they are so disconnected from their clients. The app update is a disaster and I'm in the process of ditching them after 15 years because of it. This may be one of the greatest examples of a company breaking what was working well. So much goodwill eroded. If I was an investor in this firm, I'd be furious with the board.
The app has needed a proper redesign for a long time, even just to keep up with DSP apps. Luckily nothing broke for me I just didn't like the missing widgets, no local search, etc. so I reinstalled the old version. I can understand the need for a certain amount of standardisation but I hate the way modern phone apps force layouts/features on you - if I'm paying for a product I want to use it the way I want to use it. That is why I have an Android. At least there was a bit of customisation in the new Sonos app, despite Sonos Radio being forced.
I’m actually trying to sort out an old android phone purely to use as a Sonos remote with the old S2 app for my parents as they find the new app confusing and horrible to use.

I get why they decided to redesign the app, but I wonder if they lost sight of their actual demographic.

The majority of Sonos users I know are 50plus, and went for Sonos as it gave them the Apple experience. Easy to set up, easy to use, and it just works. They don’t get that now.

My brother-in-law has been a massive investor in Sonos Kit including rare and limited stuff, and is now selling it all as the app is so poor!


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