Sonos CEO apologises, says speakers will work 'for as long as possible'

Sonos Speakers and system do offer a great sound but we didn't realize that the lifespan of an expensive product like this would be limited. We thought we were investing in a collection of devices that we would grow with. The minute Sonos informed us that they would retire support in May 2020 we lost that vision, the investment and the desire to purchase anymore @Sonos products. It's over. @Patrick_Spence wants to win us back... "the cat is out of the bag" comes to mind.
I have also invested a few grand in Sonos products over the years. Very disappointed to learn of this attitude towards loyal customers to not only take this opportunity to sell more product but at the same time completely undermining the resale value of older ones. I have also been associated with the Sonos Beta programme since having a system of my own.

We have seen some of this attitude before when Sonos suddenly discontinued dedicated remotes in favour of smartphone apps. Complete disdain for customers and this time I will not forgive them.

I will not be investing any more money on new Sonos products as they clearly have chosen not to stand behind existing ones.

Patrick Spence has really blown it for Sonos with this (apology not accepted). I imagine their stock and shares will be taking a hit very soon.

Bye bye Sonos! Goodnight!
Wow talk about backtrack because of the backlash from loyal customers, it’s clear this is genuinely the way Sonos is thinking & the route they actually want to take with their older products.
Having spent ( After a quick tally up ) £3500 on my Sonos home music system, do they actually think this situation is rescuable, well I think they are sorely mistaken, the horse Has bolted so to speak, how can I have any real faith in spending yet more money on Sonos products, whilst always having in the back of my mind they will like it or not kill off older products. I’m sorry Sonos but I’m out 👎🏼
Wow talk about backtrack because of the backlash from loyal customers, it’s clear this is genuinely the way Sonos is thinking & the route they actually want to take with their older products.
Having spent ( After a quick tally up ) £3500 on my Sonos home music system, do they actually think this situation is rescuable, well I think they are sorely mistaken, the horse Has bolted so to speak, how can I have any real faith in spending yet more money on Sonos products, whilst always having in the back of my mind they will like it or not kill off older products. I’m sorry Sonos but I’m out 👎🏼

I also have spent around £2000 on Sonos products, I'm pleased to read others have had the same feeling as me.

I suspected desperate measures with the "discount incentives" to buy the new Amp.
Yes I'd like the higher power, was even thinking to utilise the existing amp maybe in a bathroom.

Like the other unhappy once-loyal customers, I will not invest more with this company. I do not understand who at Sonos would even dream that the obsolete product notice could be acceptable. This sounds like a high level or top management decision with lower level people too afraid to speak up before the post.

The u-turn statement " we didn't tell you we are working on a solution due out in the coming weeks" is not really a credible answer, but I hope Sonos can deliver it purely from a selfish point of view.


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