oivavoi10 said:
Ok, I will do some searching, then 🙂
But if we reverse course: Do you have any short answer as to why you think the AVIs performed better than the ATCs? If you’d like to answer, of course.
I'm not trying to nag here, hope it doesn't come off that way... I'm just very interested in the technical aspects that may explain our subjective experiences of sound.
Let's do a bit of logical problem solving and eliminate the things that weren't major factors in the sound differences, which might leave us with what's left.
So, ATC's came last, AVI's second, EV's first.
It wasn't down to the mains cables. I used IEC cables that I got for free that were previously used to power IT equipment.
It wasn't down to the source. We used lpv's laptop on both the AVI and EV system. There were no major sonic differences between my £15 CD player and his laptop.
Wasn't down to active or passive pre-amp. Again I used both - I think. I'm assuming the Creek integrated has an active pre-amp stage in it?
Wasn't down to valves vs solid state. I used both with the EV's.
It wasn't down to amplifier power. I used a 2 watt and later a 40 watt amp. Andrewjvt used a 250 watt amp with the ATC's.
It wasn't down to the speaker leads. I was using 15 metre runs of B&Q 79 strand cable. Andrewjvt had some lovely looking thick custom made speaker leads. The AVI's had the internal wiring.
Wasn't down to stands or supports. EV's are floorstanders. Stands looked fine and plenty good enough for both the ATC's and AVI's. My amps and CD players were placed on a dining table.
It probably wasn't down to the room matching some speakers more than others. We were in a UK average sized living room. The photo I posted near the start of this thread was taken with the camera close to the rear wall.
It wasn't down to the type of crossover. A passive system sounded best, followed by an active one, followed by a passive one.
So. What does that leave us with?