Shortlist update:- The following have been rejected from the shortlist due to not being of significant a reduction in size, regardless of performance.
Kef LS50, ATC SCM 7, Sonus Faber Chameleon B, Dali Mentor Menuet, Dali Ikon 1 MK2, Harbeth P3 ESR, PMC Twenty 21, Spendor D1, Amphion Argon 1a, Neat Iotas.
The following are still on the list - PMC DB1i, AVI DM5, Generic 8020c, ProAc Tablet Anniversary, Audiosmile Kensai. I can audition the PMCs and the ProAcs, whilst the Audiosmiles are offered as try and return. The others may move more difficult. Any comments?
Stage 1 - Introduce Roksan set up. If successful eventually consider upgrades from the top list. If unsuccessful, introduce TDL NFM from loft then upgrade from the shortlist above. If unsuccessful with the TDLs, start a new thread on ultimate headphones.