Sky HD Box - getting noisier

Juzzie Wuzzie

Well-known member
Sep 18, 2007
Now I'm aware that the Sky HD box makes noise (due to hard drive and fan) but my box has just gotten noisier and noisier. The original noise level did not bother us, but now it is very noticeable. Have other forum members had this issue? Any suggestions on the cure? I expect Sky will just tell me that it is normal.


I don't know about Sky HD boxes but I had a similar problem with a PC. Turned out the grille in front of the fan was covered in dust which made it really noisy. Regular cleaning of dust seems to do the trick.


I have the same problem with the Virgin V-Box. I find a quick slap on the side cures it! Now, isn't that what my dad used to do to the old TV 30 years ago....?
I'm thinking about switching to Sky HD but I like that the V-Box has 3 tuners. I've heard a rumour that the next genration of boxes might be quieter and have the xtra one, so I'm hanging on.


New member
Jun 28, 2007
[quote user="Juzzie Wuzzie"]Now I'm aware that the Sky HD box makes noise (due to hard drive and fan) but my box has just gotten noisier and noisier. The original noise level did not bother us, but now it is very noticeable. Have other forum members had this issue? Any suggestions on the cure? I expect Sky will just tell me that it is normal.[/quote]I have had this issue with both my original Sky+ box and my HD one and what I did to solve it was to open up the box and install a secondary cooling fan to increase air flow within the unit, the fan I used was a near silent one that constantly runs keeping the unit cool hence preventing the original units noisy fan kicking in. Whilst you have it open I also recomend upgrading the Hard drive to a larger one as I found that what Sky gave you on the 300gb one was soon used up when recording HD content.


In the time i've had SKY HD (18mths-ish) ive went through 6 boxes! mainly due to problems with the sky+ failing and not locking the 2nd signal. There has been times when I come downstairs in the morning to find the fan whirring its head off but all I do is pull the power out for a few seconds which seems to cure it. I dont really notice the hard drive noise from mine.
What I have noticed recently is that if i'm recording 2 programmes, one or more in HD, then playback of a pre-recorded HD programme is un-watchable. ie the sound stutters and the picture jumps. Very frustrating!!!


I think the engineer done a download when he insalled it but refresh my memory how its done and ill give it a go later.


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